
Camera Work: A Photographic Quarterly — 1913 (Heft 41)

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[Editors] Camera Work [masthead]
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CAMERA WORK: An illustrated quarterly magazine devoted to
^Mmmtmhmi Photography and to the activities of the
Photo-Secession. Published and edited by
Alfred Stieglitz. Associate Editors: Joseph T. Keiley, Dallett Fuguet,
J. B. Kerfoot, Paul B. Haviland. Subscription price. Eight Dollars (this
includes fee for registering and special packing) per year; foreign
postage, Fifty Cents extra. All subscriptions begin with Current Number.
Back numbers sold only at single-copy price and upward. Price for single
copy of this number at present, Four Dollars. The right to increase the
price of subscription without notice is reserved. All copies are mailed at
the risk of the subscriber; positively no duplicates. The management binds
itself to no stated size or fixed number of illustrations, though subscribers
may feel assured of receiving the full equivalent of their subscription. Ad-
dress all communications and remittances to Alfred Stieglitz, 1111 Madison
Avenue, New York, U. S. A. The Japan tissue proofs in this number
printed by The Manhattan Photogravure Company, New York, who also
made the Stieglitz gravure plates. The Cameron Plates were made by The
Autotype Fine Arts Company, London. Arranged and printed at the print-
ing house of Rogers & Company, New York. Entered as second-class
matter December 23, 190a, at the post-office at New York, N. Y., under
the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1913, by Alfred Stieglitz.
This issue, No. 41, is dated January, 1913.