Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus and the Clouds

Pelion to the sanctuary of Zeus Aktaios on its summit1. And the
sheep-skin of the human magician would be readily transferred to
his divine counterpart2—witness the title of ZeusMeldsios, Zeus 'Clad
in a sheep-skin' {meloti)3. It is, however, reasonable to suppose that
already in Homeric times the word nephelegereta had lost something
of its early import and had taken on a meaning half-religious and
half-picturesque. But worse was in store, for in the fifth century B.C.
it was frankly travestied. Perikles4 as the greatest man of his age
was dubbed Zeus by the comedians5and figures in a brilliant fragment
of Kratinos, not as nephelegereta, 'the cloud-gatherer,' but as kepJia-

1 Supra i. 420, ii. 869 n. 2. 2 Supra i. 11 ff.

3 Supra i. 164 f. The boundary-inscription of Zeus M^jXtio-ios is more accurately
published by F. Hiller von Gaertringen in the luscr. Gr. ins. v. 1 no. 48 ipos Aios
~SlrjXa\criov. To the literature there cited add E. Preuner in the Ath. Mitth. 1924 xlix. 144.

4 Folk-Lore 1904 xv. 302.

5 Kratin. Thressae frag. 1 (Frag. com. Gr. ii. 61 f. Meineke) ap. Plout. v. Per. 14 Sib
Kal rraXiv Kparivos iv Oparrats rcal^ei rrpbs axirbv '6 axivoKicpaXos Zeus oSe | irpoaepxerai.
(so M. Fuhr and F. Blass, after C. G. Cobet, for 6 ax'-voKitpaXos Zevs HSe (I. Bekker and
F. A. Gotthold, followed by A. Meineke, cjj. 651) irpoaipxerai \ RepiKXirjs (A. Meineke
cj. 6 HepiKXir/s)) rySeiov eirl rov Kpavtov | e'xwf, iireiSri roilarpaKov wapoixerai.1

Kratin. Nemesis frag. 10 (Frag. com. Gr. ii. 85 Meineke) ap. Plout. v. Per. 3 rwv Si
kwiuk&v 6 fiiv Kparivos...Kal tt&Xiv iv Hefiioei- ' fibX, <2 Zev Eivie Kal Kapaii (p.anapie vulg.
Kapie libri H. Stephani. K. H. F. Sintenis cj. Kapaie. A. Meineke cj. Kapaii).'

Telekleides fall, incert.frag. 6 (Frag. com. Gr. ii. 373 f. Meineke) ap. Plout. v. Per. 3
TriXeKXelSrjs Se Trore fiiv virb rwv Trpay/J.drwv r)Tvop-r]p.ivav Ka8r)<xdal (pr/cnv avrbv iv rfj TrbXei
' Kaprifiapovvra' (cp. Poll. 2. 41 Kal KaprifiapiKov to ird6os Tt/XcKXelSrjs), wore Si ' fibvov £k
KetpaXijs ivSeKaKXhov \ 8bpvftov iroXvv e^avariXXeiv.'

Aristoph. Ach. 530 f. ivrevSev dpyy HepiKXirjs ovXi/nrws \ Tfarpairr (so R. Bentley,
K. W. Dindorf, etc. cp. Plin. ep. 1. 20), ifipbvra, fwesfeo Trjv'EWaSa—a passage to which
later writers make frequent allusion (see F. H. M. Blaydes ad toe).

Com. a.non.frag. 307 (Frag. com. Gr. iv. 677 Meineke) ap. Plout. v. Per. 8 al ixivroi
KWfxwSlai rwv rbre SiSaaKaXwv airovSfj re iroXXds Kal perd yiXwros d(petKbrwv tpwvas els avrbv
iirl t£ Xbyw p.dXiara rr\v irpoawwiilav (sc. rod 'OXvlxttIov) yeviadai SrjXovai, 'fipovrdv' p.iv
avrbv Kal 'aarp&Trreiv,' lire Sr)p.7)yopolrj, 'Seivbv' Se ' Kepavvbv ...iv yXwao-q (pipeiv' Xeybvrwv.
F.H.M. Blaydes restores 'Seivbv Kepavvbv ovros iv yXwao-q tpipei.' A. Meineke prints 7X161-77;.

Similarly Aspasia was styled Hera by Kratinos (Chirones frag. 4 (Frag. com. Gr. ii.
148 Meineke) ap. Plout. v. Per. 24 iv Se rais KWfitpSlais 'Op.(pa\ri re via Kal Arjidveipa Kal
irdXiv"Hpa wpoaayopeierai. Kparivos 5' dvriKpvs vaWaKyv airr/v etpr/Kev iv roirois- '"HpOK
ji 01 'Karraalav rUrei Karairuyoo-ivri (Kal KaTairvyoo-iivrfv codd. T. Bergk del. Kal.
A. Emperius cj. KaTa7ripyoin;i<?!) | 7raXXa/<?> KvvwiriSa,' schol. Plat. Menex. 235 e
p- 923 b 37 ff. Kparivos Si 'OfjupaXr/v avrr/v KaXeT Xelpaaiv, rvpavvov (?rvpavvo8alpova cp.
Hesych. s.v.) Si EffffoXis 4>tXois (so A. Meineke for Kparivos Si 'OfirpaXr) ripawov airrjv
KaXeT, xei/jw EOiroXis fylXois. T. Bergk cj. Kparivos Si rvpavvov avrrpi /caXet Xeipuffiv,
'OfJ.tpa.Xriv EuVoXis <&l\ols)- iv Si Hpoo-!raXrlois'EXivriv avrrjv KaXei- b Si Kparivos KaV'llpav,
laois on Kal UepiKXijs 'OXvp-rnos trpoo-qyopevero) and perhaps by Eupolis (Hesych. s.v.
^odins- p.eyaXb(p6aXp.os, evb<pdaX/j.os. p.eyaXbcpiavos. EUttoXis Si rrpi "Yipav (Eupol. fab.
incert.frag. 81 (Frag.com. Gr. ii. 571 Meineke))), possibly also by Aristophanes (yet
schol. Hermog. itepl rwv araaetav 72 (C. Walz Rhetores Graeci Stuttgartiae et Tubingae
1833 iv- '86, 14 ff.) Kal ra io-xVP-arMT/xiva- iv ols Sel rbv p.eraxeip^bp.evov &XX0 p.iv Xiyetv,
&XXo Si Sia rod ijSovs ip.(palveiv otov rod UepiKXiovs 'OXvp.irlov KXr/divros, elariyeirai
ApLO-ro<t>dvris"'Bpav rrpi'ko-iraalav KaXeiv may be a mere slip).