Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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124 The Tritopatores or Tritopatreis

claims that the goddess was the genuine descendant of Zeus,
Kronos, and Ouranos—a claim whose validity we shall later have
occasion to test.

Again, the use of such a term as Tritopatores to signify a line
of remote ancestors implies the primitive view that 'three' is a
typical plurality1. And the successive 'three' (= many) generations
naturally enough leads to the simultaneous 'three' (= many) gene-
rators. Accordingly, when names are given to the Tritopatores, they
are a triad such as Kottos, Briareos, Gyges2, or Amalkeides,
Protokles, Protokreon3, or Tritopatreus, Eubouleus, Dionysos4.
But this last and latest specification offers quite inadequate support
to S. Eitrem's hypothesis that the Tritopatores were originally, like
the Dioskouroi, two in number, the addition of a third being due to
a mere misconception of their name5.

Misconception, however, of a sort there certainly was, and
indeed still is. For as soon as the prose Tritopatores became the
poetic Tritopatreis, the way was open for the whole group of Trtto-
names to overlap and get entangled with an entirely different group
of Trito- names, represented by the sea-god Triton, the sea-goddess
Amphitrite, a river Triton, a spring or lake Tritonis, etc. These
names presuppose triton or the like as an early word for 'water.'
E. Boisacq6, for example, following in the steps of E. Windisch7,
H. Osthoff8, A. Fick9, K. Brugmann10, and H. Pedersen11, relates

logische Schriflen Halle a. S. 1886 ii. 653—657, J. Escher Triton und seine Bekdmpfiing
durch Herakles Leipzig 1890 pp. 14—19 ('Tritogeneia und verwandtes'), W. Schulze
Quaestiones epicae Gueterslohae 1892 p. 177 f., Farnell Cults of Gk. States i. 266—270,
Gruppe Gr. Myth. Rel. pp. 1143 n. 1, 1212 n. 2, 1219 n. 3, M. Budimir ' Atena Trito-
genija i' aticki Tritopatreiji' in the Glasnik zem. Museja 1920 xxxii. 295—328 reported
by L. Radermacher in the Berl. philol. Woch. Marz 4, 1922 pp. 198—203. E. Fehrle in
Roscher Lex. Myth. v. 1146—it50 sets out impartially the competing interpretations, but
ends with a non liquet.

1 Supra ii. 893 n. o. 2 Supra p. 120.

3 Supra-p. i2r. 4 Supra p. 120.

5 S. Eitrem Die gbttlichen Zwillirige bei den Griechen (Videnskabsselskabets Skrifter. II-
Historisk-filos. Klasse 1902 No. 2) Christiania"i902 pp. 60 n. 3, 118, Gruppe Myth. Lit.
1908 p. 628.

6 Boisacq Diet. itym. de la Langue Gr. p. 986.

7 E. Windisch in the Beitrdge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur 1877
iv. 268, id. Kurzgefasste irische Grammatik mit Lesestiicken Leipzig 1879 p. 39 § 155.

8 H. Osthoff—K. Brugmann Morphologische Untersuchungen auf dem Gebiete der
indogermanischen Spraehen Leipzig 1881 iv. 195.

9 A. Fick Vergleichendes Wbrterbuch der indogermanischen Spraehen Gottingen 1894
iiJ. 137.

10 K. Brugmann Grundriss der vergleiclienden Grammatik der indogermanischen Spraehen
Strassburg 1906 ii2. 1. 298.

11 H. Pedersen Vergleichende Grammatik der keltischen Spraehen Gottingen 19091. 179"