Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The Arrhephoroi

inventory of her property at the end of s. iv B.C. is extant [Corp. inset: Att. ii. 2 no. 722,
i8=Inscr. Gr. ed. min. ii—iii. 2 no. 1472 B, 39 [AvjptTjJrpos t?)[s] XXot)[s]). Her priestess
had a reserved seat in the theatre {Corp. inscr. Att. iii. 1 no. 349 (with facsimile on pi. 3)
(a) Ari/j.T]Tpo[s] XXo-qs in part obliterated hy (b) Aiotpd[v]Tov. So W. Dittenberger loc. cit.
and W. Larfeld Handbuch der griechischen Epigraphik Leipzig 1898 ii. r. 266 pi. 1).

Her festival in spring, when the fresh verdure began to appear, was an occasion of
jesting and jubilation (Cornut. theol. 28 p. 55, 13 ff. Lang 7repi Si rb lap rrj XAotj A-qpfqrpi
Bvovgl p.era 7rato"tds Kal xapds, iSovres xkoa'^ovTO. (sc. rbv a-wbpov) Kal dcpBovlas avrois iXirlda
viroSeiKvvvra). She also received the sacrifice of a ram on Thargelion 6 in the early
summer-time (Eupolis MapiK&s frag. 7 (Frag, cotii. Gr. ii. 502 f. Meineke) ap. schol. Soph.
O.C. 1600 EdxXdou A-qp.'qrpos lepov icrri irpbs rrj d/cpo7rdXet- /cat Ei/7roXts Mapt/cci " dXX' evBv
-rroXeojs eT/xi' dvpai yap pie Set | sptov XXd?/ AqpL-qrpi" Iv&a SyjXovr ai brt Kal Kpibs 'I BrfXeta rrj
Bed) ravr-q Bverat (F. Stoecker's cj. B-qXela, though accepted by Mommsen Feste d. Stadt
Athen p. 477 n. 4, does not cure the passage. R. F. P. Brunck prints ov 8-qXeia pavov Sis
after ^Verai), oiira be riparai <ix (ins. J. Lascaris) > rijs Kara rwv k^ttuu %A6t;s- Bboval
re Qapy-qXiwvos Itcry, Philochoros (in a frag, omitted by Miiller) ap. schol. Aristoph. Lys.
835 XX077S A*r}pL7]rpos lepbv ev aKpoiroXeL h> (b ol ' AB-qvaioi B6ovo~t pL-qvbs QapyqXi&vos < s~ (ins.
U. von Wilamowitz-Moellendorff) >, (is tftXdxopds (fi-qaiv iv S~ (Mommsen ioc. cit. cj. 01J0'1>
rrj €KT7f construing QapyrfhLwvos.. .rrj eVrjj). This sacrifice may have been purificatory (cp.
Apollod. xPovlKafrag. 82 (Frag. hist. Gr. i. 446 Miiller) ap. Diog. Laert. 2. 44 eyevvrjB-q
Se (Sokrates), nadd (p-qaiv ' AiroXXbSwpoi ev rots XpoviKois, eirl 'k\pi)<p'iwvos (so C. Miiller for
' Aipecploivos codd.) eV rtp rerdprcp Irei rrjs efiSopLr]Koo~rrjs e(3S6p.rjs 'OXvp.Trid8os} QapyqXtwvos
'Iktti, ore Kaffalpovcri rr\v rroXiv ol 'ABrjvaioL, /cat rrjv" Apreptv yeviaBai ArjXtoi (paaiv). Whether
Athens, like Mykonos (infra), made a winter-offering to Demeter XX017, is not known.

The cult lasted into Roman times (P. Foucart in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1889 xiii. 167 f.
no. 4, published more fully by H. G. Lolling in the AeXr. Apx- 1889 p. 129 f. no. 4,
a long slab of Pentelic marble with a dedication in red letters of Roman date A-qp.-qrpi
X\6?j -q lipem X[t]/coj3otfXij rj Kal TXdpa Qeoreip-ov e£ 'Bp^tetou dviB-qKe, cp. Corp. inscr. Att.
iii. 1 no. 1030, 44 f. "Epp.eiot | 9edrtp:os Tpdepwyos | k.t. X. aprytanisoi 166/7—168/9 A.D.),
when Kore was associated with Demeter (H. G. Lolling in the AeXr. 'Apx- 1889 p. 130
no. 5 a small pillar of Hymettian marble, inscribed in red letters of Roman date and
originally used as the base of a statuette Arjpvqrpi XXor] | Kal Kbprj \ rrqv Kovporpb\<pov
EtcrtSoros I dviBrjKev | /car' ovetpov). A Delphic oracle of s. ii A.D. speaks of their precinct
as the spot where the forefathers of the Athenians first grew corn (O. Kern 'Demeter
Chloe' in the Ath. Mitth. 1893 xviii. 192—198 two fragments of a small slab of Pentelic
marble inscribed (A) $ot/3os 'ABrjvaloa AeXipoiis valtav rdSe [eforei'-] | eonc crot 7rap' d/cpas
7roXews 7rapa[-~~ ——,] | ov Xads o~i'ip,Tras /cX^t^et yXavKuj[iriSa 'ABrjvqv or /coiyp^p,] | Ar}[n]Tpos
XXotTjs lepbv Kov[pi]s re ^ta/caipas,] | ov irpuirov crraxus {eiwv Upduv (suppl.

H. Diels),] I as Trpbrepoi Trar[ipes---] | t5piV[ai<7-o---]. (B) [---] a7rapxas [ [---]s

dyvov I [---r^xfatcrtf | [---d]vtovo->)s | [---5]pe7rrd | [---rode Xc4t]ov (Wat. ' Es

handelt sich urn d?rapxa! (V. 8), um die Erstlinge des Feldes, welche die Athener der
Chloe schuldig sincl'). This identifies it with the site of the Boi/fi/ytos aporos (Plout. praec.
coning. 42 'A6-qva?ot rpets dpdrous lepobs dyovar irpdrov iirl SKiptp, tov iraXaioraTOV rCiv
o-wbpwv vvop.vqp.a- debrepov ev rrj 'Papla- rplrov virb ttoXiv (so K. O. Miiller for Tre'Xti' codd.),
rbv Ka\ovp.evov Bov&yior): see C. Wachsnuith in Pauly—Wissowa Rcal-Enc. iii. 1097 and
W. Judeich Topographie von Athen Mimchen 1905 p. 256. Other references to Demeter
XXdij are Aristoph. Lys. 835 BT. A. ttov b" earlv Sorts iarl; AT. irapd to tt)s XXot;s, Semos
of Delos (c. 230 B.C.) frag. 19 (Frag. hist. Gr. iv. 495 Miiller) ap. Athen. 618 D S^/tos 5'd
AtjXios iv rtf 7rept iraL&vuv y-qol- '...Kal tt)v A-qp.-qTpa ore p.ev XXb-qv, ore Se 'lov\d) (sc. itpoa-q-
yopevov),' Eustath. in II. p. 772, 62 f. to-reV Se 6Vt ov piovov xXb-q r] yi]8ev <pvop.ivq...dXXd.
Kal 17 A-q/x-qT-qp eiuderiKws- XXo'tjs 7<xp, 0acri, A-qp,-qTpo<s lepbv 7rapa ttou ttjv 'Attikt/v.

There are one or two indications that the same cult was practised elsewhere in Attike.
At Eleusis a festival XXota was observed in s. ii B.C. (D. Philios in the 'E<p.'Apx- 1890
p. 125 ff. no. 60, 6 ff. = Michel Recueild'Inscr. gr. no. 135, 6 ff. = Dittenberger Syll. inscr.
Gr? no. 661, 6 ff. iVep wv dirayyiXXei b S-qp.apxos b "EXevaivlwv vrep t&v Bvai\u>v, W
'edvaev rots re 'AXwtots Kal Tots XXoiots ret re A^p.?;rpi Kal rei \ Kdpet Kal rots dXXois BeoTs, o(s