Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Hephaistos and Athena 211

her we perceive shield, snake, and olive-tree—the insignia of the
Athenian goddess. Another medallion of Antoninus Pius (fig. 131)1,
followed by imperial coins of Samos2, Thyateira (fig. 132)3, and
Magnesia ad Maeandrum4, harks back to older models by combining
the pillar of the Parthenos with the helmet of the 'Lemnia! Yet
another of Antoninus' numerous medallions (fig. 133)5 shows Heph-
aistos holding- a hammer and forging- a shield on his anvil. Before
Ntti is a helmet set on a tall cippus, behind him a shield, and in the
background uplifted on a pedestal the statue of Athena PartMnos.
Finallyj a white paste of the Graeco-Roman period (s. i B.C.—s. i A.D.)
now at Berlin has the head of Hephaistos eclipsing that of-Athena,
°th heads being in profile on disks resembling coins6.

*Ig- f3i- Fig. 132. Fig. 133.


1 greater importance than these artistic variations of a common
.erne's the evidence supplied by definite religious usage. Heph-
^stos and Athena appear to have had a joint festival, the
"^alkeia, on the last day of Pyanopsion7 at the very beginning of

FlL°llner Mid. evip. rom. p. 51 fig., Cohen Monn, emp. rom." ii. 384 f. no. 1144 fig.

3 \ f 131 )• 2 Head Hist, num.2 p. 606.

' ~US' ^atm C°'ns Lydia p. 306 pi. 31, 5 ( = myfig. 132) Comraodus, Hunter

i j "!s 1K 469 no. 14 Commodus, Rasche Lex. Num. xi. 946, 947.
Head ?l.loof"Blumer Monn. gr. p. 292 no. 92 Maximinus, Rasche Lex. Num. xi. 947,

6 F^"'-""'"-V 583.
Jl5S fi ° r ' Mid' P- 63 {- fiS-' Cohen Monn. emp. rom.2 ii. 387 f. no.

6 Fu't d" MrdaSL ii- 18 no. 82 (152 A.D.) pi. 52, 7 ( = my fig. 133).

Motiu,,,X *ang fr Gesc,"iitl. Steine Berlin p. 196 no. 4875 pi. 35, G. Winckelmann

1 antichi inediti Roma 1767 i. 208 ff. ('Ulisse e Telemaco'!) pi. 153.

sius)i. S'V' ^■a^Ke^a'---Td. Xa\KeTa eopTT) vap 'AS^aiois < rrj ' A6Vp (ins. Meur-

'■^-"-oXX ' ^""-"^f^vos evri nai veq., x«/>w"afi KOtrf), fiaXiora 5t xa^KeC<r"'> "5 (pV^1"

accordin"'°S °vA'Xap"elis ^FraS- hist. Gr. iv. 313 Muller, Apollonios of Acharnai {c. 100 B.C.

topri^f Schwartz in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. ii. 134 no. 72) ncpl rdv 'A6^v
4>w0ai t' iS' ? (TresP FraS- gr- Kultschr. p. 99 f.)). Qavodvuos Si oAk </"?<""
^•xhisch 0pTi,p ^"H-tilery (Phanodemos (on whom see W. Christ Geschichte der
n Lltteratur^ MUnchen 1920 ii. 1. no) frag. 22 (Frag. hist. Gr. i. 369 MUller)).
