Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The Daughters of Kekrops 237

more often, of Hephaistos by Athena. But to the last an occasional
poet describes him as his father's 'dew1.'

(b) The Daughters of Kekrops.

The three daughters of Kekrops were Aglauros, Pandrosos, and
Herse. All of them alike bore names suggestive of the dew.
■Aglauros denotes 'the Sparkling One2'; Pandrosos, 'the All-
bedewed'; Herse, quite simply 'the Dew3.'

The oldest accessible version of their myth is that given, perhaps
as early as s. v B.C.4, by Amelesagoras in his Att/us5:

1 Kallim. Hekale frag. I. 2, 2 f. Mair dXXd i IlaXXds \ rrjs fiiv iuw di]i>ai(b)v d0?j
fyloJcroK "H<palffroio, | k.t.X., Nonn. Dion. 41. 63 f. oi rtiirov dyptov el%ov 'Epex<?^°s (by
confusion with Erichthonios : supra p. 181 n. 2), Sv rine Taiys | aOAcu-i Wfupetaas yan'niv
H0a«TTos iipffyv.

" The simplest and most satisfactory derivation of "AyXavpos is from £7X065 (* 07X0/05 for
aya-yXaJ~-6s: see Prellwitz Etym. Wbrterb. d. Gr. Spr.'2 p. 4) and the common suffix
"Pos. Nik. ther. 62 uses &y\avpot, 'sparkling,' as an epithet of rivers, and ib. 441 as an
epithet of a snake.

H. Usener Gbtternamen Bonn 1896 p. 136 f. inferred from the masculine ending that
AyXavpos was a compound of d7(a)X- (d7aXXeie, dyaX/xa) and aSpa: 'eine gottin heiterer
'uft, hellen himmels,' cp. 'A7XCUC1. A. Kick in the Beitrdge zur kunde der indogermanischen
sprachen 1901 xxvi. 112 similarly derives "A7Xaupos from 07X065 + atfpa (taking dyXavpbs
^avSpoo-os gpaij to ]lave been a dactylic line or half-line, 'die bei heiterer luft...alles
ketraufelnde...bethauung'). E. Maass ' Aglaurion' in the Ath. Mitth. 1910 xxxv. 337—341
^oes the same, but holds that ixipa. (connected with a-qp) was an old word for 'water'
(hence dVavpos 'mountain-torrent,' Hesych. eiravpovs- tovs %uixdppovs woTa/iotis, Hes.
theog. jH\r)ta.tipri re TaXa^atipi] t as Nereids, and perhaps dyavpos' abundant, affluent'),
*hich came to mean 'moist, cool air' and so 'breeze.' On this showing "AyXavpos would
e ^ water-nymph (cp. //. 2. 307 07X061" i;3wp, Horn. ep. 4. 7 ayXaov ...iiSwp) and 'A7Xaupioi'
a Nymphaeum.

Mommsen Feste d. Stadt Allien p. 7 n. 3 thinks that "A7Xavpos may refer to the dew
' Winkende Tauperlen'), but proposes no etymology.

In any case "A7Xaupos, not "A7pauXos, is the inscriptional form (K. Meisterhans
raintiiatik der aitischen Inschriftcn3 Berlin 1900 p. 83 n. 712). Both are found in literary
'exts (J. Toepffer in Pauly—Wissowa Keal-Enc. i. 826). *A7pauXos seems to have been
j^en by popular etymology from an epithet of Pan, to whose flute the Dew-sisters danced
t^ruppe Qr% Myih. ggi pp_ II96 n. 3 sub fin., 1394 n. 4).

Supra pp. 166, 179 f. * Supra p. 157 n. 9.

Amelesagoras fiwg? 1 (Frag. hist. Gr. ii. 22 Midler) ap. Antigon. hist. mir. 12
ri£hr]o'aybpas oe 6 'Adrivalos 6 TTjv 'Ardldo. ovyyeypa<p(hs 00 tprjai KopJjvijv TrpoffiTTTaff&at 7rp6s
, °-Kpoiro\ii', oi5' (xoi ciwelv iapaKihs ovdels. dirodiSoiffiy Si tt\v a'niav p.vdwSis. (pyalv
y^-P HtpalffTu SodelffTjs rijs 'Ad-rjvas ffVyKCLTUIc\l0€?(J~aJ> o.vtt)v d<po.v iff driven, rbv oe"H(paiffTOv
s yvv ireffovTa irpo'Uffdai 76 ffiripp.a, t-qv Si yi)v vffrepov avr<^ dvaSovvai 'Epixdovtov, 6V
P <peiv tt)v 'ABijvdv Kal els KlffT-qv Kofleipjoi Kal irapaBiffdai ra'ts Kespoiros iraialv, ' AypatiXw
* tto.i>5p6ff(p Kal"Epcrrj, Kal itrirdiai jxi] dvoiyfiv tt]v KfarqPj iws dv avrr) (XBy. d<piK0/j.ivrjv Si
j',S ^XXrjvqv (pipeiv opos, iVa (pi'p.a irpo rijs dKpotrbXews Trotr/ff-g, rds 5t K^Kpowos Bvyaripas rds
A7pauXo>' Kal WdvSpoffov, Tyv kL(ttt]v dvo'i^ai Kal I5tii> SpaKovras 5tio xepi rbv 'Epix*0"10"'
Tl> Adijvq. (pepotiffrj rb 6pos, 6 vvv KaXurai A.VKUflqrri%, Kopwvqv <pi\alv diravTrjffat Kal
. ea> Sri 'Epi-^donos iv <pavtpi}, rr)v Se itftfinmff piifai to opos birov yvv tart, ry Si Kopuvy
a TV" KaKayyeXlav clwdv ws eis OKpoTroXii' ov Situs oOrj iarai d<piKiff6ai.