Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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242 The Daughters of Kekrops

as 'the three daughters of Agraulos (Aglauros?)'1, and later writers
state that their mother Agraulos or Agraulis2had for sire Aktaios
or Aktaion4. But this duplication or distortion of her name is, of
course, a mere genealogist's device. In unsophisticated times there
was but one Aglauros, she whose precinct lay beneath the steep
northern side of the Akropolis5. Here the Athenian youths
assembled to swear that they would fight till death on behalf of
their country6. This solemn oath took a curious and unexpected
form. The young soldiers swore that they would regard wheat,
barley, the vine, and the olive as the boundaries of Attike, deeming
their own all the tamed and fruitful earth7. The emphasis thus
placed on earth as 'fruitful' (Jiarpophoros) recalls the rock-cut
inscription of Ge Karpophoros still legible on the summit of the
Akropolis8. It is, indeed, probable that Aglauros herself was, to
begin with, none other than the earth-goddess 'Sparkling9' with
the dew which enabled her to bring forth in their season corn and
oil and wine. And on these things human life depended. Demetei
Kourotrdphos, 'Who rears the young,' was worshipped, and rightly
worshipped, in the precinct of Aglauros10.

1 Eur. Ion 496 'AypaiiXov (A. W. Verrall prints 'AyXavpov) Kbpai Tpiyovoi.

2 Euseb. praep. ev. 4. ifj. 2 Tjj'AypavXip rrj Ktupowos Kal p6p.<pT]s 'AypavXiSos.

3 Apollod. 3. 14. 2 TLinpoiji Si yr)p.as tt)v 'Auralou Kbpr/v "AypavXov iraida p.tv trteV
' EpvaixOom, Ss &t€Kvos peTTjXXa^e, 8vyaripas Si "AypavXov "EpoT]v lldvdpocrov, Paus. i- 2-
dirodavbvTOS Si ''Aktcliov KiKpoij/ €KSixeTaL rVv ^PXVV OvyaTpl (Tvvolkwv 'A/cra/oi/(cp. I. T4'
Kal ol yhovTM dvyarepes p.iv"Epari Kal "AyXavpos Kal lldvSpo<xos, vlbs Si '\lpvtjlx9w-

4 Skamon of Mytilene (s. iv b.c., according to F. Jacoby in Pauly—Wissowa kea
Eiic. iii a. 437) frag. 2 {Frag. hist. Gr. iv. 489 f. Miiller) ap. Phot. lex. and Souid.
QoLViK-qta ypa.pip.aTa., cp. Apostol. 17. 89 {Kdpuov, 'AtCTalovos, 'AyXa6pn)v,'AtcTalova), makes
Aktaion the father of Aglauros, Herse, Pandrosos, and Phoinike. See further J- 1 oepffel
in Pauly—Wissowa Real-line. i. 1212.

5 Paus. 1. 18. 2, cp. Eur. Ion 497 f.

8 Dem. de pais. leg. 303, Lykourg. in Lcocr. 76 f., Philostr. v. Apoll. 4. 21 P" I+
Kayser. The oath is quoted by Poll. 8. 105 f., cp. $\.oh.jlor. 43. 48 p. 14, 7 ff. Hense.

Philochor. frag. 14 {Frag. hist. Gr. i. 386 Miiller) ap. Ulpian. in Dem. de pais- le$'
3°3 (P- 95 b 32 ff. Baiter—Sauppe) "AypavXos Kal"Ep<rr\ Kal Il&vSpooos dvyaripes liiKpoT" >
us (p-qaiv 6 QiXoxopos. Xiyovai Si on TroXipov avpfSavros Trap' 'ASr/valois, ore 6 ESpoX'"'0
io-Tparevae Kara 'Epex^ius, Kal p.-qKvv opivov rofrrov IxPWt" 0 'AirbXXav aira.XXayMeS
eav ris dviX-Q eavrbv inrip tt)s 7r6Aews. 7) rolvvv "AypavXos eKovcra avrrjv efeSowee eis davaTOi'
'eppL'pe yap iavTT)v ck tov retxovs. elra airaXXayivTos rod TroXipov Upbv inrip Toirov ioT
aavro airrj irepl to. IIpo7n)Xaia rrjs TrbXew Kal iKetae wpvvov oi &/>7j/3ot piXXovres i^i"al

7 Plout. v. Alcib, 15 01) pr)v dXXd Kal rr)s yfjs ovve/3ouXevev avrixtadai T0'!

Kal tov iv 'AypaiXov Tvpo@aXXbp.tvov del tols e0?j/3ois opKov epytp fieplaiodv. opvvovfft yaP
bpois xPVffa<x^ai "7s 'Attik^s irvpoU, KpiBah, dpiriXois, iXalats, okelav Troieio-Oai ^a"^ce
fievoi tt)v Tjpcpov Kal Kapwoipbpov. Cp. Cic. de rep. 3. 15 Athenienses iurare etiam Pu
solebant, omnem suam esse terrain, quae oleam frugesve ferret.

8 Supra ii. 21 n. 4. 9 Supra p. 237 n. 2. | , gV |
10 Corp. inscr. Att. iii. 1 no. 372 (with facsimile on pi. 4) KovpoTpbtpov | ef 'AyXaW