Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Zeus Thaulios 277

That, however, is guesswork, and other guesses are almost
equally permissible. For instance, philologists have shown that
aphrds is related both to ombros,'rain,' and to niphos, nephele, 'cloud1.'
We might, therefore, without deserting the Greek area, conjecture
that Zeus Aphrios was originally a Thessalian rain-god or cloud-god.
Further evidence is much to be desired.

(d) Zeus Thaulios.

Some twenty minutes west of Pherai (Velestino), on the right
bank of a small torrent known as Michali-Revma2', A. S. Arvanito-
Poullos located a large and important cult-centre. Since 1919 he
has been at work, helped latterly by Y. Bequignon and P. Collart of
^e French School, uncovering the area and determining its history3.
1 o fewer than six successive epochs are involved. The site was
already occupied in neolithic times—witness numerous sherds and
a marble idol. Then came a 'Mycenaean' sanctuary4, evidenced

haitt "•' W'desPreaa- beliefs attaching to 'cuckoo-spit' are not unworthy of attention. The
the S rty given to a mass of froth concealing the larvae of certain insects. One of

specie ' enera °* tne "rcopidae or frog-hoppers is labelled aphrophora, and one of its
vi. jf f ty^opho™ spumaria (R. Lydekker The Royal Natural HistoryLondon 1896
»• 68 S Wltl! figS''" J' Grimm Teutonic Mythology trans. J. S. Stallybrass London 1883
Swiss Sa^S' "^'le ^rotn on willows, caused by the cicada spuraaria, we call kukuks-speichel,
Spittle^&ers&at> Eng. cuckoo-spit, -spittle, Dan. gidgespyt, but in some cases witch's
p. j j ' . onveg- trold-kiaringspye.' E. H. Meyer Germanische Mythologie Berlin 1891
«nd h'ilfi °^°5 of cuckoo as a ' Gewittervogel' notes: ' Sein Speichel verkiindet Regen
Meklenbi .eegen Ausschlag' (after K. Bartsch Sagen, Marchen und Gebrdtiche aus
'D'apres^ • ^° l88° 175^' P' Sibillot Le Folk-lore France Paris 1906 iii. 303
aPpele r UU Vle'' auteur' 'es cic^des et grillons naissaient du crachat et escume de l'oyseau
(LesoiseaCU °U C°UCOU' (after E- Rolland Faune populaire de la France Paris 1879 "•

J. JonstonUrrUVaSeS' 98' Wh° C'teS ^ean de Luba (Ug' Johannes de Cuba) 0rtus sanitatis)-
sPuto nasci ai.""atoS''aP!'ia Naturalis Amstelodami 1665 p. 351 'Cicadas ex cuculorum
cuntur sputQ01'^5'1 *S'dor"s' 's a'luding to Isid. orig. 12. 8. 10 cicadae ex cuculorum nas-
Birds Lond ^ *"rtner ^~ Swainson The Folk Lore and Provincial Names of British
'"sects in th°n P' who states inter alia tnat 'In Devonshire, boys take the

1 Prelhvir 'T16 CUckoos in their earlv stage-'

Gk PP- 106* 6rr w"' W°rlerb- d Gr- sPr-~ PP- 68> 311. Boisacq Diet. itym. de laLanguc
p' l62 s.v. 'emfr'i > ldeZ<?/' C'y"u WSrterb-'lV- Vfis-v. 'imber,' UuWer Altital. Wbrterb.

2 Was Zeu h '

3 Until the obT- aS elsewhere (supra »• 894 n- 3) superseded by St Michael?

be content with th account of this interesting excavation has been published, we must
Xliv- 396, IQ2I .iC Very inade9uate preliminary reports. See the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1920
I,926l-562f.fitrX(1VA5T29^' '9*3 xlvii. 524, ,924 xlviii. 482, 1925 xlix. 458-460 fig. 3.

" *9H xliv 2- J' Wace m the /<""»■ Hell. Stud. 1921 xli. 273, A. M.Woodward
lTork in Class St 'i*25 X'V' 22+f-' '926 xlvi- H^f-, 1927 xlvii. 256f., id. in The Year's
A *" Anz- P' 7 ">2*~'925 P- 68, the fahrb. d. kais. deutsch. arch. Inst. 1922 xxxvii
Arch- Anz. p 3847f' 1925 xl Arch- Anz- P- 3*8. 1926 xli Arch. Anz. p. 429 f., i927 *1"
1 Jahrb. d ia - ' j

'923 xlvii. 52" I *V teutsch. arch. I„st. 1926 xli Arch. Anz. p. 429, cp. Bull. Corr. Hell.

A- M. Woodward in the fourn. Hell. Stud. 1926 xlvi. 246.