Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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312 Rain-magic in ancient Greece

specific function as Zeus and Ge. Eubouleus was ab origine an
appellation of the former1, Demeter and Persephone a bifurcation
of the latter2.

Other evidence of rain-magic in Attike is of very doubtful
value, though it may be granted that in a district notoriously 'light-
soiled3' the rain-maker must sometimes have been in request.

[Acu-paTei'iSijs ^acrrpdrov 'iKapiJebs lepeds Qeov Kal GeSs Kai Ev/3ov\&)[s Kai Aioyivovs] Kai
t&v [crujL£/3co,u,]aji/ tov j ['Adrjvaluv brjp.ov evep]yerCjp virep eavrov Kal r&v v&v Xcocrrpdr[ov Kai
Aiovv(x'lo\v Kal rijs \_yvvaiKo]s Aiojwij[as (filiation, deme) Kai r?js 8v]yaTpbs xaPiar''lPL0V
Arjp.7)Tpi Kal K6pr][i Kal Be]Si Kal Be[di Kal Eu]/3oiAe? [ aviB-qKev. (b) J. N. Svoronos loc. cit.
pi. IH'—K': [AaKparelS-ris "Zwarpdrov 'iKapijebs tepevs Beov Kal Beds Kal Et)/3ouA^a>[s k(U
Ar}fMr}rpos] Kal tuiv [aAAtoP 6p:o(3d}/A\cM toij\[tols Bewv tCiv eavrov evep^yeT&v virep eavrov Kal
rSiv vwv ~2,uo-Tpdr\_ov Kal Aiovvalo~]v Kal tt)s [ISlas 7WaiKo]s Atovv<rt\[as Kal K\eovs TVS
eavrujv 6v~\yarpb$ xaPl<n"*]PLOV ArjpLTjTpi Kal K6pr][i Kal 0e]tSt Kal 9e[cu Kal "AlStji Ei)]/3oiAe^ I
dveBrjKev. Svoronos p. 495 adds that the fourth line may have started with Kal TpiirToX^^h
for which there would be space above the head of Kleo. (c) D. Philios in the Ath. Mitt'1'
1905 xxx. 186: [AaKparetdijs "Zwarpdrov 'lKapi]evs lepevs Beov Kal Beds Kal Ei)/3otA^

[s........] Kal tQiv [(TVfxfiibpLjwi' rov [[.... BeCiv tG>u iavrov evep]yeruiv virep eavrov Kal

vwv ~Zoio-TpdT\ov Kal Aiovval6\v Kal tt)s [yvi>aiKb]s Ai.oi>vo-l\[as rijs (filiation, deme,
K\elrov "iKapteas) 8v]yarpbs xaPiaTVPl0v ArjfnjTpi Kal K6pi)[t Kal 9e]cDt Kal 6e[ai Kat
liv]povkeT j aveB-qKev. The centre of the relief is occupied by an assemblage of the
Eleusinian powers. Theos [Bebs), in the guise of Zeus, is seated, sceptre in hand, on 11
throne, the arm of which rests on a small Sphinx. Thea (Bed), a matronal figure, lifting
the back fold of her piplos, stands at his side. Further to the left, Plouton (H.\oi5|'«<»')
leans on a sceptre and looks toward the group of Kore and Demeter. The former stands,
holding a pair of torches. The latter sits, with a veil over her head. Her left hand holds
a sceptre; her right, a bunch of corn-ears. These she presents to Triptoleffl°s
(Tpi7rT6\e|/io[s]), who receives them as he sits on his serpent-car. In the background is
seen the dedicator (AaKparelS-qs \ "Sutrrpdrov \ 'lKapieiis). The remaining persons a1
harder to identify. Those who take them to be divine regard the long-haired youth on the
right as Eubouleus bearing a vine-branch in one hand, a torch in the other, the fenia
behind Demeter as a personification of Eleusis (so O. Kern in the Ath. Mitth. 1892 xvl •
127, R. Heberdey loc. cit. p. 116), and the boy carrying myrtles in front of her as Iakchos
(A. N. Skias in the 'E0. 'Apx- 1901 p. 34) or Ploutos (R. Heberdey loc. cit. p. r 16)- Btt '
in view of the fact that Eubouleus (see D. Philios in the Ath. Mitth. 1905 xxx. 188 "''T^
not to mention Ploutos—is sufficiently represented by Plouton, there is more to be s ^
for the view (J. N. Svoronos, D. Philios) that the flanking figures are purely human a
belong to the family of Lakrateides—Sostratos with vine-branch and torch on the t\a '
Dionysia and her son Dionysios with myrtles on the left. ^
(4) Two lists of Athenian officials, dating from the period 117—129 a.d. (W. Lai e^
Handbuch der griechischen Epigraphik Leipzig 1898 ii. r. 334), mention as kosme ^
'marshal' of the ephcboi (F. Preisigkein Pauly—Wissowa Real- Enc. xi. 1490 S.) &cel
priest of Theos and Thea ((a) Corp. inscr. Gr. i Add. no. 274 6, 4 S. = Corp. inscr.

1108, 4 ff. Ko(<r)|tM)|rei5oj'Tos lepiois Qeov Kal Beds W[p-q)va(iov) ^'f/,R(jjf,

(b) Corp. inscr. Gr. i no. 274, 3 ff. = Corp. inscr. Alt. iii no. 1109, 3 ff. Koaiitfrip |^/^j
lepevs Qe\ov Kal Beds Ei>jeat|os } Haiavievs (on ~) as an arbitrary sign for an i"e
patronymic see Larfeld op. cit. Leipzig 1902 ii. 2. 535 f.)). -ncati"11

M. P. Nilsson in the Archivf. Rel. 1935 xxxii. 81 ff. supports the usual identin
of 6 Bebs and t) Bed with Plouton and Persephone.

1 Supra i. 669 n. 2, 717 n. 3, ii. 131, 258 n. 3, 259 n. o, 1076, 1105.

- Supra i. 396 f.

3 Thouk. 1. 2, Alkiphr. epist. 3. 35, schol. Aristoph. Ach. 75.