Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The relation of rain to Zeus 319

though Zeus has turned his attention to foreigners and is neglecting the folk at

Of course the god that could send the rain was also the god that
c°uld stop the rain. An epigram by Asklepiades of Samos (s. iii B.C.)
tells how a lover, wet to the skin at his loved one's door, appealed
*° Zeus for a cessation of the deluge2.

(c) The relation of rain to Zeus.

Apart from general phrases such as ' Zeus rains3,'' Zeus drizzles4,'

g 1 Alkiphr. epist. 3. 35 avxp&s t& vvv oi'dauou vtepos virep 77/s atperai. det 8e eirop.fiplas'
L^v yap rd$ dpovpas to KaTa^ijpov Tr/s (3u>\ov belKwai. paTaia rjp.1v, cos cfcu/ce, Kal dv-qKoa
T^8vTai Tip 'Tericj. Kahoi ye e'f ctyuXXijs iKa\\ieprio-ap.ep iravres ol tt)s Kili/iys oUr/ropes, Kai
^Ka-OTos dvvdpeus 7) ireptovcrias elxe ovveLorjviyKapev, 6 p.ev Kpibv, 6 8e Tpdyov, 6 be K&irpov,
ft 7r^7?s irbiravov, 0 be ere weve'o'Tepos Xifiavuirov xov^Povs' Tavpov be ovbels, oil yap eiiiropla
0cTK7lParojv r)p2v Trjv \eirTbyewv ttjs 'Attlktjs KaTOLKodoiv. dXX' ovbevb^eXos tCov bairavqpaTuv •

yap Trpbs eYepcus e'dveaiv 6 Zeus ojv tusv Trjbe dpe\eiv.
. ' Anth. Pal. 5. 166. 5 f. (Asklepiades) ryde (J. F. Diibner cj. rip be H. Stadtmuller
J' TaiSi) TooavT e^b-qoa fie§peyp.evof ' &XP1 tIvos, Zed; \ Zeu 0/Xe, alyr\aov Kairbs ipav
g es- Supra ii. 1167 n. 4. Cp. Anth. Pal. 7. 533. 1 (Dionysios of Andros) KaX Ati Kai
P°V-l-(p Sidfipoxov oi pjy dXttrdelv, where 'Zeus' means rain and 'Bromios' wine.

12. 25 f. [supra ii. 1 n. 4), Od. 14. 457 f. ue 5' &pa Zebs | vavvvxos, Hes. o.d.
j ' {supra ii. 1 n. 4), 488 f. Tijpos Zeus vol Tp'ntp r)p.ari p-qb' dTro\r)yoi, j p-qT dp'
Dieh W* ^°'0t °lr^v ^'ro^e'7ro"'' Alkai. frag. 34. 1 Bergk4, 157. 1 Edmonds, 90. 1
-j-j ei (A. Hecker cj. vitpei, J. M. Edmonds cj. vevei) piv 6 Zeis ap. Athen. 430 A,
^ 25 f. ovbe yap 6 Zeus | oild' uW ir&vTeocr' dvddvei our' avexoiv (quoted by Apostol.

cP" E. Legrand—J. Chamonard in the Bull. Corr. Hell. 1893 xvii. 286 f. no.
at ~~^^onu»ienta Asiae Minoris antiqua iv. 14 f. no. 49 (c) a round pillar of white marble
0f 1 Hisar near Synnada recording, in letters of s. iii A.D., the dedication of a statue
*.ieri ^'a' w'^e °^ Gera(i)os, who had transferred to the temple of Neos "BpaKXrjs an
a[rjeri 'econstructec' D>' her husband, to serve as a protection against rain: 4 IT. Kai
iiopTTO"i ' ^"PWaTo irb\i t6 nore Kipevov elaa Tipaos, vvv 5' | els viov ijyaye 'HptucXeV Aios
oiX ii uld"be hexameters!), Liban. apol. Socr. 78 (v. 57, 1 if. Foerster) dXXa rod Aios
t^„ °^ros Kal TrdXiK g£oi tov perpiov fioG>p.ev ws d5iKovp.evoi Kai H voidv 5'iKaios iv r\v irepl
Perh" ^^c,'ie''' /l_a' Tauras ras KaT-qyoplas oiiK ijyvbei Qioyvis b tlleyapevs. k.t.\.), and
p. jg'35 ^enand. incert. 306 (Frag. com. Gr. iv. 299 Meineke) o^. Non. Marc.

'< 40 f. (but see supra ii. in. 2).
^MffTo ' , P 12/8 ff. k-dreiir^ >»uc, ] vbrepa co/nifeis Kaivbv del tov Ala \ iieiv iibup

See F t TfXioi/ | 'e"\Keiv Karudev rauro touS' u5wp ■jrdXii'; Silenos of Chios (on whom

Miilie'rJaf°by in Pauly~Wissowa Real-Enc. iii A. 56) frag. 1 (Frag. hist. Gr. iii. too n.f
*> Seur^ f- Jacoby) a/>. schol. E. M. T. Od. 1. 75 SiXiji-os 5e 6 X(os

^WMoua^' , ^"f"" ^aT°pi-£>v—UtTTi 5e duo /3^\la—'AvrUXeidv <pt\ai tt)V 'OSvaoius p-qripa
^yutvius 1 EV0V0~av 7rapa to yrjpLTov, fiirep eaTi tt/s 'lOaKfjs opos, ucTavros 7roXu tov Albs vir'
T"Xelv ^l ^°fiov KaTaweo-ovaav tov 'OSvcrffe'a diroTeKeiv, Kal bib. tovto Taurus tt)s bvopaalas
^Ustat'h *USi> 'C<lT°' °Si" "ffc" ° Zfl's *a story rePeated by Tzetz. in Lyk. 786,
'P' 934 ed' P«' l8?I' 21 ff'' Eudok- z""'- 6l> '-7' and 9l8« Natalis Comes 9. 1

.^"Va Iv' arislis^6o5). cp. schol. Vind. 56 Od. 1. 21), Paus. 1. 24. 3 (art 5e Kai l^s
^^Vat T(VowV^ voal ol tov Ala, efre aiTois bp^pov Serjo-av 'AO-qvalois, eCre Kal Toh iraaiv

4 Philo a"X*6S (S"pra 21 n-
erTe vvivte 4> 45 P- 164 Kayser (Apollonios recalls a Roman girl to life) mi

6 Zei5s " T^-S ^"X^S e5pe" ** oi;t^' 8s e'X(Xv9" tovs eepairevovTas—\4yeTai yap, us ipeUfri
ipi^ev J ot/tij'-oi d7ro tou Trpocrwjrou—efr' dTecr^jjKi'ioi' ttji- i/'UX')1' aveffaX^i Te Kal
' apprlTos ^ KardXTji/'is rotrrou 7e'7ocej' ouk e'u.oi pibvip, dXXa xoi tois 7rapaTUX0U(rii'.