Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Water-carrying in connexion with marriage 371

Water had to be fetched in a pitcher by the next of kin, a boy1 who,
'ike the vessel that he bore, was called a loutrophoros or 'bath-
carrier2.' The bride too had her bridal bath fetched from the same
fountain by a female loutrophoros*. And in both cases, according to
Photios4, the bath-water was brought on a car drawn by a yoked

ln the 'Et/>. 'Apx- 1894 pp. 1—10, id. in the Berl. philol. Woch. Aug. 28, 1907 pp.
f+°~^945). Dorpfeld's conclusions have been widely accepted (e.g. by J. E. Harrison
Myth. M011. Anc. Ath. pp. 87—91, Primitive Athens as described by Thucydides Cambridge
r9o6 pp. ItI—j^i, 153—158, and by W. Judeich Topographic von A then Miinchen
?9°5 Pp. 179—185), and embodied in the final publication by F. Graber 'Die Enneakrunos'
11 the Ath. Mitth. 1905 xxxi. 1—64 with 32 figs, and 3 plans.

But Dorpfeld's hypothesis, however attractive, is far from being unassailable. Sir
nies Frazer, after a patient hearing of both sides, can sum up thus: ' On the whole the
ev'dence of all ancient writers except Pausanias goes to show that the names Callirrhoe
anc| Enneacrunus were always applied to one and the same spring, and that this was the
j.Pririg in tne Qf tne Tlissus which still bears the ancient name of Callirrhoe' (Pausanias
■ 116). Twenty-one years later W. Kroll, despite the fact that Graber's persuasive article
j] aPpeared in the interim, again pronounces the same verdict (in Pauly—Wissowa
[A 1 —'■'->a'ier muss man denen Recnt geben, die wie neuerdings noch

cd ^al'nin \Hat Dorpfeld die Enneakrunos-Episode bei Pausanias talsdchlich gelost
\anJ~ Tve/chem Wege kann diese gelost werden? Wien 1906 pp. 1—35, cp. id. Zwei
xn^tfra*en der Topographic von Athen Berlin 1901 pp. 21—43 'Die Enneakrunosepisode']
a°leh^ ^ "^"h' [in the Gbtt. gel. Anz. 1907 clxix.] 472 die Dbrpfeldsche Hypothese
„ nen, wahrend Judeich Topogr. von Athen (Miinchen 1905) 179 und Baedeker
defCp'len'an<i5 29. 37 sich ihr angeschlossen hat. Ungelost bleibt nach wie vordas Riitsel
Qy ^ausaniasstelle. Vgl.FrazerPaus.11 112'). It amounts to this. Dorpfeld is justified
(jjScoe sPa<3e. But the literary evidence is almost all against him; and at any moment
fnii Veues might be made on the Ilissos-bank. Supra ii. n 16 'the later Kallirrhoe'

e°"0at ' ar^°^r" s-vv. \ovTpo<p6pos Kal \ovrpo$opeiv • idos rjv rots ya.fj.ovat. Xovrpa peTairipir-
&pp£V eaur°is /card tt]v tov ydpov ypipav, t-irep-irov B' iirl ravra tov eyyvrara yivovs iralBa
^"Vp-a,'yKai °"T0L ^"vTpoq^opovv. (Bos Si Tjv Kal tQiv dydpuov dirodavbvTwv \ovTpotpbpov eirl to
^fo6o ^^Taadai- tovto Be irals vSpiav exwv. \eyei irepl tovtwv Aetvapxos (v re Tip /card
^2 fi-acr TV ™T<* Ka\Xicr0«>oiis<ei<r (ins. P.J. de Maussac)>a77eXi'a (Deinarch. or.

*K T9t-1 ^a'ter—Sauppe and or. 18 frag. 5 Baiter—Sauppe). fin Si to. Xovrpa iKbpi^ov
M. g" J*™ ^"veaKpoivov KaXovpivrps Kp-qv-qs, irpbrepov Be Ka\\ippbi)s, $ihoo~Te<pavas (so
^ too ^e'er f°r Tlo\vo-Ti<pavos, cp. Athen. 331 d—e) iv Tip irepi Kp-qv&v <pi\al. pip.vqvrai
source"-5 ku^koL = Souid. s.w. Xovrpoipbpos Kai \ovrpo<popeiv, who omits to mention

2 If 6S' ^avor'n- p- 1192, 27 ff. copies out Harpokr. loc. cit.

^Vy\ (so ^jC'1- S V' ^0VTP°'t>^P0^' Kvplios ptev ij vSp'ia r\ tois 7raXaiois eis to. XovTpa dirovev(ep.)-q-
^ Ka' ' ^j0'1"1'^' ^or Musurus' airovep.op.eini). (k&\ovv Si oihw Kal t6v ipipovTa to. XovTpa.
^^Mois ' 'racra *Sp[e](a. erepoi Si, eirel (irepirov eh tovs ydpovs Xovrpoipbpovs, Kal tois
^Voij g "-"ovai to avrb eiroiow (id. s.v. Xovrpotpopa dyyi]" rds iidpias Toh dirodavov<nv
I'Veioi/0[ '^v"- tTrepirov 8e Kal (els) tov! ydpiovt), cp. Phot. lex. s.v. \ovrpo<pbpoV to
5^ ^- Xout y^P^a' ko-1 \ovTpo(p6pos 6 <pipwv ij ij tptpovaa t6 \ovrpbv, Bekker anecd. i. 276,
^"^pbp. ' ° *v TV Tov ydpov i]p.ipa irep.irbp.evos irah irapaaKevdo-ai Toh yapovffi rb

3 Poll TpC"Pope~i ° iidpiav (xuv Trait Kal inrijpeTwv iv Tip Xovrpip toU yapoviriv.

. 4 Phot3;/3 (qU°ted infra P- 372 2).
f-**g. ;v_ ^ *' s-v.\ovTPd ■ t8os earl KojU£ur M frf-voi (leg. frvyovs, cp. Steph. Thes. Gr.

aKf>o6p09v ^ Ta'S yv-P-ovP-ivais Kal Toh yapovoiv ■ (ipepov Be to p-iv iraXaibv dirb Tijs
"^^"Tpo&b iy0,livris Kpi)v7)s iibwp- vvv iravrbOev \ovrpotpbpovs els tovs ydpovs iirepirov
P°" everteeaav tois 070,11015 eirl twv rdipuv.
