Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Rain of food

The facts on which these fancies rested are partly botanical
partly entomological. On the one hand, a sweet, sticky exuda-
tion, usually caused by a superfluity of sap, is to be found
during hot weather, in small drops resembling dew, on the leaves
of sundry trees and herbs1, especially the oak2, the ash3, ^e

Krepia/xara " Totenfeier, Leichenbestattung." Daher ist audi Sid-Kropos, der Beiname d*
Hermes in seiner Eigenschaft als ipvxoirotxirbs heranzuziehen [supra ii. 384 n. o]. P 39|
sagt der Totengott zu Hektor: Trarrip Si fiol eVri TldKij-KToip [supra ii. 384 n. o]. D'es
also deutlich ein redender Name fur Hades, dem alles Irdische anheimfallt, wie vo\v5i~/P-u >
tt6\u54kttjs usw [supra ii. 1113 n. o (2)]. Wenn es an der Stelle weiter heisst: ^"e^
ixiv 0 y' idTL, so erinnert man sich an \IKovtuv [supra i. 503 f., ii. 385 n. o]. to *
" Nicht-totsein" ist also mit dftfipocrla. vollig gleichbedeutend. d-Kripiaroi sind °JjeS
solche, die nicht bestattet werden, iiber die der Hades also keine Macht hat, und
Wort deckt sich mit d-Bdvaroi.' „g^

1 M. J. Berkeley in J. Lindley—T. Moore The Treasury of Botany- London «

'• 59<5- - &/pos

2 Theophr. frag. 190 Wimmer ap. Phot. bibl. p. 529 b 16 ff. irlirrei Si to Ik t0"( ^
fii\i kclI £irl tt]V yyv Kai eiri ra TrpotTTVxdvra t&v tpvTujv. ebpliTKerai Si p.a\t0"ra £ir
(pvWois tt]s dpvbs /cat iirl^rdls (inserui a. B.C. )>t?)s 0tXi5pas, Sl6tl ttvuvottito. ^X61^ , .
Kai 'iviKixa ecrri. Set Si firire reXeiws eTvai %-qpa., Iva fj.il eis avra i\Ky, /itfre fiava, wa r 1

to.vto. Si ko.1 iviKixa Kai ttvkvottito. ^xel> ra (so F. Wimmer for to codd.) 5e rrjs ^"X"/"1
■yXvKirriTa. ?xei Si tt&is t) ixi\ma (so F. Wimmer for ixiXiaao. codd.) oIkAuksIv

Spvv, id. hist. pi. 3. 7. 6 cpalverai 8' oiV Kai 6 /ieXiTtiriijs ouros x"^s ^K T0'' *^os e1"j



(sc. rrj Spilt) naXuara wpoal^eiv, Diod. 17. 75 tart Si Kai SivSpov irapd Toh iy%upl°li ■
'TpKavoU) TrapairX-quiov Spvt Kara tt\v i-KKpdvtiav, airb Si rwv (ptiWow dirdKei[iov r ^ot
toCto Tires trwdyovres Saif/t\y Tyv dTroXavnv aiirov 7roio0cTai = Curt. 6. 4. 22 frequeIlS

faciem quercus habet, cuius folia multo melle tinguntur: sed, nisi solis orturn lt>^ ^i
occupaverint, vel modico tepore sucus extinguitur (cp. Ex. 16. 21), Plin. nat. ^*S.'gt$cS&
constatque rores melleos e caelo, ut diximus, cadentes non aliis magis insideie ^e
(sc. quam roboribus). Honey dripping from the oaks is a characteristic of the g e]la,
(Verg. eel. 4. 6 redeunt Saturnia regna; [ ...30 et durae quercus sudabunt rose erciiSi
georg. 1. 131 mellaque decussit (se. Iupiter) foliis, Tib. 1. 3. 45 ipsae mella daban Q ij-i).
Ov. met. 1. inf. iam flumina nectaris ibant, [ flavaque de viridi stillabant i'ice refei's
But Hes. o.d. 232 f. o6pe<ri Se Spus | atcpr; fiiv re ipipei fiaXdvovs, iiiaaf] Si jy 1 ff-

rather, as Tzetz. ad loc. saw, to beesnests in hollow oak-trunks (pseudo-Pho -y ^nti-
Bergk4, 171 ff. Diehl, Hor. epod. 16. 47, Ov. am. 3. 8. 40). Anth. Pal. 9- 72' J^/if""
patros) efcoXos 'Epiitei'as, u iroiixives, Iv Si yd\a.KTi \ xaipwc Kai Spvlvif ^ f0yt.
(A. Hecker and F. Diibner would read airevSop.ivo^. H. Stadtmiiller ^ jg of

Trei86/j.evos conlato Antipatri Thess. versu 93, 4 (6\ly(p Trei66iJ.evos Xi/3a^if>) ) ^
doubtful interpretation. p. i'1

3 A. Kuhn Z>;> Herabkunft des Feuers und des Gdtterlranhs2 Giitersloh 1HeSychia1,1
ventures to connect fx,i\i 'honey' with /j.e\ia 'ash-tree,' citing in support the ^ T<t
glosses p.e\lar iWKuraai. 77 Sopara, ij \6yxai and /aeXi?) watcep ,uAr eI5os ° c0d, a'1'
liikiTa. But in the latter gloss N. I. Schow cj. ixt\l-q us (II. 13. 178) for priP'f
A. Meineke cj. (j^. SSpara) for /^Xtra cod. Hence M. Schmidt (ed. y^'^

/ueXiT; &• wff7rep /ie\l(a). elSos StvSpov, odev rd iieXiiva (SSpara). W. H- ^"^ ^ fai'fr0^

1-' — -----r' ' ' .....1—'.....- *-*' r—' ,., thoug"1 1

Ambrosia Leipzig 1883 pp. 9, 16 accepts Kuhn's conclusions, wnicn r^jjftef^

impossible—have not found favour with recent philologists (Prellwitz Ety"h , j, a',

.S>>r.2 p. 288, Boisacq ^?«. <fe la Langue Gr. p. 624, Schrader Rea
Walde—Pokorny Vergl. Worterb. d. indogerm. Spr. ii. 692). vorld'tre6%
More weight attaches to a northern parallel. The ancient Scandinavian" ^^ey-fi1
an ash (asir Yggdrasils), from which trickled a bee-nourishing dew name g p, 3
(hunSngsfall). See K. Simrock Handbuch der Deutschen Mythologie Bonn