Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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Pyre-extinguishing rain

in all probability1 following Pherekydes of Athens {floruit 454/3 B.C.2))
re-tells the story thus:

'Now before Amphitryon reached Thebes, Zeus had come by night and, making
that one night three times its length3, had taken upon him the likeness of
Amphitryon and bedded with Alkmene and related to her what had befallen the
Teleboans. But Amphitryon, when he arrived and saw that he was not welcomed
by his wife, enquired the cause. She told him that he had come the night befoie
and slept with her; and he learned from Teiresias that her bedfellow had been
Zeus. So Alkmene bore two sons, Herakles—the elder by one night—to ZeUSi
and Iphikles to Amphitryon.'

1 Sir J. G. Frazer Apollodorus London 1921 i. 175 n. o quoting Pherekyd. fl'aS' ^
{Frag. hist. Gr. i. 77 Miiller) =Jrag. 13 (Frag. gr. Hist. i. 63 f. Jacoby) ap. schol- /?■ I+'
323, schol. Od. 11. 266. Cp. Athen. 474 F (supra p. 507 n, 5).

W. Christ Geschichte der griechischen Litteratur® Miinchen 1912 i. 454 f.

3 Apollod. 2. 4. 8 tt)v piav TpL-rrXacndcras viKra. But Apollod. epit. B has tijp f-iav


TrevroirXacndcfas rj Kara rivai t"/>MrXa<rid<ras, ol Kal Sia rovro rpiecnrepov d^Lodcri Xeyecr^a^ ^ r
'H/jad-Xea. Cp. Lyk. Al. 33 rpieo-wbpov Xbovros with Tzetz. ad loc, Anth. Pal. r5- 2 '
(Dosiadas) rpieo-Kepoio tcairas, and other passages noted by Stephanas Thes. Gr- Li'h-
2428 D; also the variant phrase rpuriX-qvos in Nonn. Dion. 25. 242 f. 0.8X0. pev o-P ^
Sv tjpocrev dddvaros Zeus | '' AXKpi]vi)s Tpicrfkrjvov kxav iraibocrirbpov euvrjv, Anth. * ' e
441. 3 (Palladas) 'AXEff£/c<u-e rpiaiXrive. The protracted night, once accepted, of 00 ^c
tended to grow longer and longer: see e.g. Plaut. Amph. 112 ff. MERC, et meus pater _
intus hie cum ilia cubat, | et haec ob earn rem nox est facta longior, | dum cum illa> ^*unl,
volt, voluptatem capit, 268 sos. credo ego hac noctu Nocturnum obdormisse e
275 ff. sos. neque ego hac nocte longiorem me vidisse censeo [ .-. . | ... | credo e g
equidem dormire Solem, atque adpotum probe, Prop. 2. 22. 25 f. Iuppiter Alc^ e
geminas requieverat arctos, | et caelum noctu bis sine rege fuit, Ov. am. I. J3- 4' tjuils,
deum genitor, ne te (sc. Auroram) tarn saepe videret, [ commisit nodes in sua vota ty
her. 9. 9 f. at non ille velit, cui nox—sic creditur—una | non tanti, ut tantus c01lC^undi!
fuit, trist. 2. 402 nodes cui coiere duae, Sen. Ag. 853 ff. magnus Alcides cui lege agjtare
Iuppiter rupta geminavit horas | roscidae noctis celeresque iussit [ tardius currllScte nOn
Phoebum | et tuas lente remeare bigas, [ pallida Phoebe, 870f. violentus ille '."^gtiatfl

una poterat creari, Here. Oet. 1701 f. (cited infra p. 517 n. o), de brev. vit. id- 5 1!1f^te co«


poetarum furor fabulis humanos errores alentium, quibus visus est Iupiter v0'uPt'|)Uit, llt
cubitus delenitus duplicasse noctem, Hyg. fab. 29 qui tam libens cum ea cone ^ctess>
unum diem usurparet duas nodes congeminaret, ita ut Alcimena tam longaW ^
ammiraretur, Mart. Cap. 157 ut in ortu Herculis geminatae noctis obsequW ^gC\
numinis approbavit, Hieronym. c. Vigilant. 10 (xxiii. 1. 364 A Migne) tunc fatebe >^ ^
nunc negas, et tuum nomen, qui in Vigilantio loqueris, libere proclamabis, te jujeta
Mercurium propter nurrimorum cupiditatem, aut Nocturnum (al. NocturninuW > v;t,
Plauti Amphitryonem, quo dormiente, in Alcmenae adulterio, duas nodes Jupiter c ^
ut magnae fortitudinis Hercules nasceretur, Diod. 4. 9 (cp. Euseb./nwA ev' 3'„ '^s ^
yap Ala p.icrybp.ei>ov ' &\Kp.-r)vri rpurXaoiav ttjv vvkto iroifiaai, Kcd Tip TrX-qSei pdif1^'
iraiSoTTodcLV dvaXwdivTos xpbvov irpocnjpijvai ttjv vTep[3oXi)v t?js tov ■yevvri0V'rofi . ]jon°s'
Stat. Theb. 12. 299 ff. da mihi poscenti munus breve, Cynthia, si quis | est Iun° ^icia"'
certe Iovis improba iussu | ter noctem Herculeam—, veteres sed mitto querella^ ^
dial. deor. 10. 1 EPM. w "HXie, pfj iXdarjs rljpepov, 6 Zei/s 07?<ri, a®Pl0V ^ jj r+-
yptpav, dXK Ivbov pbve, Kai rb pera£b pla. ris ftrrw cuf paKpd- k.t.X., schol- ^ ^ ^ yp^*1.
cpaal be jhv A(a crvyKoipuipevov 'AXupfyri ireiaai rbv "HXiov p-q dvareTXai eirt Tf Qrp
tiffev 67rt rpeti vvkto.1; ovyKOipiiBeli aiiTrj 6 Zeus rbv "Tpibcrrepov" 'HpaKXbo. fI""^, %.po'^'f
Arg. u8ff. irp&To. de elda pi-qv 'HpaKXijos Beloio, \ 8v Tinev 'AXKp.VV J TOir&
piyelcra, | rjpos ore Tpia<n)v pev eXelirero Sf ipios atyXTjv | 'HVXios, S0X1XV b eirep