Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The stone of Elagabalos

also gold pieces giving us the processional type (fig. 751)1 and—
best of all—a detailed representation of the stone itself (figs. 752,
753)2. It stands between parasols, clad in drapery, with a three-
pointed tiara above and a kteis below. The front is marked by

F'g- 753-

three horizontal bands and three rows of points, the whole efTect
being that of a gimsi-fa.ee.

Uranius' domination was brief (248—253 A.D.). But a fresh fil'1?
was given to the cult, when Aurelian in 272 routed the forces 0
Zenobia near Emesa and entered the town to pay his debt ^
gratitude to its guardian god. After founding temples on the sp ^
and enriching them with vast donations3 he returned to Rome
273 and there built the famous temple of the Sun, whose p°rP ^ f
columns are still to be seen at Constantinople in the church

1 Id. id. p. 191 no. 4 pi. 7, 4 ( = my fig. 751J G. de Ponton d'Amecourt. ^ u»

2 Id. ib. p. 189 f. no. 1 pi. 7, 1 ( = my fig. 752) London ('Rapporte d'Orient p ,|
consul anglais, achete par Prosper Dupre et plus tard (1854) par Edouard Wiga ' ,)t
1'offrit au Musee britannique'), Cohen Monti, emp. rom? iv. 503 no. 1 fig., F. Leji ^
in Daremberg—Saglio Diet. Ant. i. 644 fig. 738, ii. 529 fig. 2618, Stevenson-" .jgji)^'1
Madden Diet. Rom. Coins p. 908 f. fig. My fig. 753 is from a fresh cast of the 0
kindly supplied by Mr H. Mattingly (scale \).

3 Vopisc. v. Aurelian. 25. 2—6.