Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Cook, Arthur B.
Zeus: a study in ancient religion (Band 3,1): Zeus god of the dark sky (earthquake, clouds, wind, dew, rain, meteorits): Text and notes — Cambridge, 1940

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The stone of Dousares


prelate in a noteworthy passage of his pandrion, ' A Medicine-chest
to cure all Heresies' (374—378 A.D.1), is concerned to record pagan
parallels to the Christian Epiphany2 as celebrated on the night of
January 5 to 6:

' First at Alexandreia in the Koreion as they call it—a very large temple, the
precinct of Kore3. All night long they keep vigil, chanting to their idol with
songs and flutes. The nocturnal service over, at cock-crow torch-bearers go
down into an underground chamber and bring up a wooden image, sitting naked
on a litter, with the imprint of a golden cross on its forehead, two similar
imprints on its hands, and other two on its knees, all told, five golden marks
impressed upon it. They carry the image itself seven times round the central
Part of the temple with flutes, timbrels, and hymns. And after the procession
they bring it down again to its underground quarters. If asked what they mean
by this mystery, they make answer: "This day and hour Kore (that is, the
Virgin) has given birth to Aion4."

c" rats ypcupais yeypafipivrj) iv rip Secure elSoikeitp ovtws yiverai, Kai 'Apa/3i/>T? 5ia\iKTip
(&p.vou<ri tt)v irapdivov, Ka\ovvres airrjv ' Apajiio~Tl Xaapov TovriaTiv Kbprjv elr' oiiv wapBivov
Kal rbv aiiTrjs yty evvripivov Aovo~dpr;v rovrio-Tiv povoyevij tou SecnriTOV.

tovto Si Kal iv 'EXownj yiverai rrj iri\et Kar' iKelvqv ttjv vvKTa, lis iKei iv rrj Hirpa Kal
i» 'A\e^avSpela.

1 A. Jiilicher in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. vi. 193 (374—377 a.d.), W. Christ
Ceschichte dergriechischen Litleralur0 Mtinchen 1924 ii. 2. 1448 (374—378 a.d.).

K. Holl 'Der Ursprung des Epiphanienfestes' in the Sitzungsber. d. Akad. d. Wiss.
Berlin Phil.-hist. Classe 1917 p. 402 ff. with the observations of F. Boll in the Archiv f.
Rel. I0,6—1919 xix. 190 f.

3 O. Puchstein in Pauly—Wissowa Real-Enc. i. 1387.

4 For Aion at Alexandreia K. Holl ad loc. cp. a billon coin of Antoninus Pius issued
there in 138/9 a.d. {Hunter Cat. Coins iii. 459 no. 404 pi. 87, 27)
a»d in 144/5 a.d. (Brit. Mus. Cat. Coins Alexandria etc. p. 117
n°- 1004 pl- 26. Fig. 770 is from a specimen of mine): other
examples of both issues are listed by J. G. Milne Catalogue of
■Alexandrian Coins Oxford 1933 p. 40 nos. 1600—1604 and p. 42
nos' '734—1737. Holl also quotes Hippol. ref. hatres. 5. 8
PP- 164, 166 Duncker—Schneidewin Ka6direp avrbs 6 Upo<pdvrrjS,

Q-ToKeKofifievos piv, us 6 "Attis, evvovx'o-pivos Si 81a Kinvdov Kal
^^"1 7raPVTVIJ-^''os TTjv (TapKLKTjv yiveaiv, vvktos iv 'EXevo-ivi imb
V irvpl TeXiie to. peydXa Kal app-qra p.vari]pia flog Kal Kixpaye
. ~1b"'' 'iepdv (reKe irorvia Kovpov Bpip.ii Bpip-bv,' rovriffTiv iaxupa io-x"pbv.... avT-q yap
Tw V irapdivos i] iv yaarpl lxovo~a Kt" ovWap^dvovaa Kal riKTOvaa vibv, ov fvxtKbv, ov
au/*aTLKbv, dXXd ixaK&piov Aiuva Aidvuv, Lyd. de mens. 4. 1 p. 64, 6 ff. Wlinsch (cited
^Pra ii. 337 nn , an(j ^ Souid. s.v. 'UpauxKOS (of Egypt, a neo-Platonic connoisseur of
aeia''es' under Zenon emperor of the east (474— 491 a.d.))-...oiirw Si.iyvbi to &pprjrov
"A5 ^a ■^^"0! l-"r0 T0" 9eo" Karexbpevov, tv ' AXei&vSpets iripvqaav; "Oatpiv ovra Kal
6p.o0 /cara p.vgtikt\v ws dXTjdus <j>dvai dcoKpaaiav, and an inscription of the
Ac\UStan age ^rom ^'eus's (Dittenberger Syll. inscr. Gr? no. 1125 Ko'iVtos Uoptirriios
Kal °S ^ I ^o'et Kai dvid-qKt \ abv abeX<pols AffXwt Kal H^toil | Aluva. \ (is Kpdros "?iip-qs
ej 1 la^w"',',' I f-wrripiiov. I Aiuv 6 avrbs iv rois avrois akl | 0'iVei 8dai pivav Kbo-pos re
p0^~KaJa t" avT°-< ofoios ioTi Kai fjv I Kai Zo-rai., apxw peobT-qra riXos | otk (xuv, p-eTa-
Philcf a^°Xos' I ^e'as <pv<rews ipydWijs aluvlov irdvra, on which remarkable outburst of
Sophie praise see O. Weinreich 'Aion in Eleusis' in the Archiv f. Rel. 1916—1919
/4 190). As to the five golden crosses imprinted on Aion, Weinreich loc. cit.
