Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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In the variety of literary productions which are ushered into the world by a
Preface to the reader, there is no species to which that kind of introduction seems
more necessary than to that which, consisting rather of matters of fact than opi-
nion, derives its merit more from the writer's veracity than from his talents for
composition. A work of genius speaks for itself; in such case apology is idle,
and justification superfluous; but the traveller who commences author on the
humbler pretensions of a plain and faithful relation of what he has seen, whose
candour and accuracy are more at stake than his taste or judgment, cannot more
effectually recommend himself to public favour than by a fair account of the
opportunities he had of being informed, the means by which he acquired his
knowledge, and the manner in which he collected his facts. The reader of real
curiosity will expect some explanation of this kind, in order to judge what credit
this work may deserve ; and the following short narrative is intended to satisfy
so reasonable an expectation.

In the year 1734, some gentlemen who had travelled in Italy, desirous of en-
couraging, at home, a taste for those objects which had contributed so much to
their entertainment abroad, formed themselves into a Society, under the name of
the DILET'lA JV77, and agreed upon such regulations as they thought neces-
sary to keep up the spirit of their scheme.