Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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T E O S.

Among the many volumes which have perished by time and accident, or been purposely
destroyed, the lover of rational Architecture will particularly regret the invaluable treatises on
that noble art once extant, written by masters equally eminent for genius and science, and laudably
intent on showing how both were united in the structures they had raised ; by demonstrating
the principles on which they proceeded; marking the propriety of the disposition, the propor-
tion, and ornaments, they had invented or adopted; and explaining the harmony and symmetry
of their design: transmitting, with the fabric, its history to future ages.

The memory of several of these ancient worthies is preserved to us by Vitruvius,* who
distinguishes, in this meritorious number, the great architects of the two magnificent temples at
Teos and Priene. If their dissertations yet remained, with what pleasure would the curious
artist compare, correct, and supply this work ! As it is, he must contemplate with concern these
rich fragments, as all that can be saved from the general wreck; and, while he admires and
improves, may still rejoice that the authors are not become mere names, like many in the
catalogue, but at least survive thus far.

* Postea Silenus de symmetriis Doricorum edidit volu-
men. De cede Junonis, quae est Sami, Dorica, Theodoras;
Ionica Ephesi, quae est Diana^ Ctesiphon et Metagenes.
De fano Minervse, quod est Priense, Ionicum, Pythius.—

Hermogenes de cede Diana? Ionica, qua? est Magnesiae
pseudo-dipteros, ct Liberi patris Teo monopteros (vel
peripteros). Vitruv. Prof. Lib. vii. MSS.