Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dodwell, Edward
A classical and topographical tour through Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806: in two volumes (Band 1) — London, 1819

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Beginning of my second Tour. Sail from Messina. Coast of Calabria. First view of Greece. Arrival
at the island of Zakunthos, population, villages, manufactures, produce, bituminous springs.
Corruption of names by the Italians. Dimensions of the island. Panorama from Mount Elatos.
Departure from Zakunthos. Eleian coast. Arrival at Mesaloggion. Extortions of Aly, Pasha
of Joannina. Produce aud commerce of Mesaloggion. Ruins of an ancient city in the vicinity.
Rivor Acheloos, Echinades, Taphiai, Teleboiai, Doulichion. River Evenos.

In my first Tour to Greece, I went from Ithaca to Patra; and
by Phocis and Boeotia, to Athens ; and from thence to the islands
of the Archipelago, the coast of Troy, and Constantinople. I
set off on my second Tour from Sicily; and as I examined the
country in greater detail, I shall now proceed to give an account of
my second journey, which unites in this place with my first.

On the 1st of February, 1805, I quitted Messina, with my artist
Signor Pomardi, in a Greek merchant ship called the Saint Speri-
dion laden with stock-fish, macaroni, chairs, and other merchan-
dize, bought at low prices in Italy, and sold at a considerable
profit in the Levant. We had on board, besides the captain and
fifteen sailors, the proprietor of the cargo, and two Greeks of Joan-
nina, the modern capital of Epiros, and residence of Aly Pasha.

With a strong wind at n. b. we soon cleared the straits of Mes-
sina, passed a few miles from Reggio, and had a fine view of JEtna,
and the rocks of Tauromenium, the Tauromenitanas rupes of the

1 Juvenal, Sat. 5. v. Qi