Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Dodwell, Edward
Views and descriptions of Cyclopian or Pelasgic remains in Greece and Italy [...] intended as a supplement to his classical and topographical tour in Greece, during the years 1801, 1805, and 1806 — London, 1834

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Ruins of Norbn in Lntium.

A- Gate nt Norba.

Another Gnfc nt ditto.
I Great Gnto nt ditto.
i Interior of llic ditto.

Subterraneous Gnte nt Norbn.
i Great-Buttress nt ditto.

Anottier View of ditto.

Wullsof Norba.-

View of Signin.

Gnto of Sigma, called Porta Snr

Inside of the snnio ■Gate;

A Subtcrmneons Gate at Signin.

Another Gate nt ditto. '

Remains of a Temple nt ditto.

Walls- of Sigma:

Walls nt Corn, and Temple of Castor nnd Pollux.

A Street nnd Polygon Walls nt Cora.

Walls nt ditto.

A-Bridge nt ditto.

Subterraneous Gnte nt Alatrium,

Great Gate at ditto."

Inside Viow of tlie Groat Gnte.

Another Gate nt AI atrium.

Walls of Alotrium.

Polygon Walls and Roman Gnto nt Ferentinum.

Gnte al Ferentinum (called Porln Smigninarin), anil Cathedral.

Another Gate at Ferentinum.

100 Walls at Forcntimim.

101 Another View or ditto.

102 A Cavern nt Mount Circoci,

103 Gcnorul View of Circoai.
10-1 Wnlls'of ditto.

105 Wall* of Termciitn.

10G Ruins of ditto.

107 Ancient Walls nnd Modern Gnto nt ditto.

108 Remains of a Templo near ditto.

109 ' Remains of a Bridge nt ditto.

110 Aqueduct three miles from Termcina

111 Ruin's of Prconcsto.

112 Walls of ditto.

113 Ditto.

114 Ditto.

115 View of Sczzc, tho Ancient Sctiuui.

116 Walls nt Sctium.

117 Ditto.

118 Ditto.

119 Remains of n Temple nt ditto.

120 Ditto.

12L Walls at Bovilacqnn, nenr Frncnsti.

122 Walls nt Colonocclli, near Tivoli.

123 Walls nt Vitrinno, near Tivoli.

124 Walls nt tho Villn of Cnssius, near Tivolt.

125 Walls on tho Via di Cnscinno, near Tivoli.
12G ' Ditto.

127 Ancient Sepnlchro near Cortonn.