Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
Cretan pictographs and prae-Phoenician script with an account of a sepulchral deposit at Hagios Onuphrios near Phaestos in its relation to primitive Cretan — London, 1895

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Cheth compared with Cretan signs, picto-
graphic and linear, [365], 96, [366], 97.
Cilicia, gable-shaped seals from, [334], 65.
non-Mycenaean character of its re-
mains, [370], 101.
connexion of Kefti with, [370], 101.
Club, pictograph, [306], 37.
Cock, on early seal-stone, [342], 73.

earliest evidence of, in Europe, [342],
Compareiti, Prof,, on Praesian inscription,

[354], 85, [355], 86.
Cook, Mr. A. B., on Mycenaean animal

worship, [339 ».], 70, [340 n.\ 71.
Cretans deny that Phoenicians invented

letters, [372], 103.
Curium, Mycenaean signs at, 137.
Cylinder, clay, from H. Onuphrios, 105.
Cypriote syllabary, signs of, compared with
'Aegean' linear forms, [348], 79, [349],
80, [352-354], 83-85.

compared with Semitic letters, [366],
97, [367], 98.
Cyrene, button-seals found in, [335], 66.

DGrpfeld, Dr., on the Mycenaean city of
Troy, [326], 57.

on chronology of Trojan strata, [326],
Dove, pictograph, [310], 41.
Diimmler, Dr. E., on early cist-graves of
Amorgos, [325], 56.

on seal from Kuphonisi, &e. [329 «.], 60.
Duodecimal system, evidences of, on early
seal-stones, [342], 73, [343], 74.

Egyptian stone vases compared with Cretan,
117 seqq.

Eleutherna, form of Van at, [360], 91.

Eryx, Phoenician letters on walls of, [282],

Eteokretes, Cretan aborigines, their sur-
vival in east of the island, [354], 85.
inscription in language of, found at
Praesos, [354], 85, [355], 86.

Eye, pictograph, [303], 34.

Mzekiel, LXX. version of, translates ' Chere-
thites' by Kpijres, [368], 99.

Dagger, pictograph, [305], 36.

bronze, from H. Onuphrios deposit,
Danonas, pTobably Danai, [369], 100.

connected with Takkaras (Teucri) and

Pulasati, [369], 100.
invade Egypt under Thothmes III.,
[368], 99.
Delphi, bronze axe from, with symbol, [280],

De Rouge, his theory on origin of the
alphabet, [366], 97.

identifies Pulasati and Pelasgians, [369
«.], 100.
Deukalion, a son of Minos, [358], 89.
Diktynna, relation of to Atargatis, [371],

Dioddros gives Cretan tradition as to inven-
tion of alphabet, [372 and n.\ 103.
Dolls, Egyptian, compared with primitive

' idols,' 129 n.
Door, pictograph, [307], 38, 137.
Dore or Dor, on Canaanite coast, city of
Takkaras, [369], 100.

in Greek legend founded by Doros,

[369], 100.
its inhabitants Awpiets, [369], 100.
Dorians, possible settlement of, on Canaanite
coast, [369], 100.

in Crete, mention of, in Odyssey, [356],

' long year' of, applied to Minos, [356

and ».], 87.
settlement of, from Thessalian Doris,

[357], 88, [358], 89.
Minos adopted by the son of their
leader, [357], 88, [358], 89.

Fabricius, Dr., on prehistoric building at

Knosos, [281], 12. *
Fence, pictograph, [307], 38.
Finalmarina, Liguria, primitive ' idols'
from, 130.

painted ' idol' from, nearest prototype

of Mycenaean, 130.
pictographic sculptures near, [352 «.],
Fish, pictograph, [308, 309], 39, 40.
Furtwangler, Dr., supplies impressions of
pictographic seals, [275], 6.

yaXo7rerpas or ' milkstones' worn by Cretan

women, [276], 7.
Gate, pictograph, [307], 38.
Gavr Innis, picture writing at, [270], 1.
Gaza, commercial importance of, [368 and
«,], 99.

seized by Philistines, [368], 99.

its chief God Marnas identified with

Cretan Zeus, [368 and «.], 99.
known as ' Minoa,' [368], 99.
Gesture language, pictographs taken from,

[300], 31.
Goat, on early seal-stones, [337], 68 seqq.
Goat's head, pictograph, [309], 40.
Gortyna, double-axe symbol on inscriptions

of, [360], 91.
Goulds, Mycenaean gem from, with heart-
shaped leaves, [318], 49.
Mycenaean gem from, with decorative

design, [319], 50 seqq.
prehistoric ruins of, [277], 8.