Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 1): The Neolithic and Early and Middle Minoan Ages — London, 1921

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Pottery; Light on Dark Decoration ; Beginnings of true polychrome technique ;
Cycladic Elements—-Pyxides and Marble ' Idols'; Grotesque Vessels ; Ivory Seals ;
Animal figures ; Specimens from Ossuary Tholos of Platanos ; Cylinders and Conoids ;
Meander and Labyrinth Pattern—Sixth Dynasty Comparisons; ' Egypto-Libyan'
Button-seals—Source of Cretan 'double sickle' Types; Three-sided Bead-seals;
Female potters and draught-player ; Imitation of Egyptian draught-board sign (men);
Leg Amulets; Burial Urns and Clay Cists—Proto-Egyptian and Libyan Com-
parisons; Approximate dating of E. M. III.

§ 5. M.M.I: (A) Foundation of Knossian Palace .... 127

Age of Palaces begins ; Traces of earlier foundation at Knossos ; M. M. I elements
of Palace at Knossos ; Wall construction and analysis ; Early signs on base blocks
of enceinte—parallel signary at Phaestos; Relations of Craftsmen's signs to
Linear Script; Early Keep with walled pits; ' Insulae ' within fortified enceinte ;
Rounded angles of original W. block; Terra-cotta water-pipes; M.M.I stage at
Phaestos ; Early Pillar Basement at Knossos; Oval House, Chamaezi; Rounded
angles of Knossian ' insulae' compared; Foundation Walls of Palace; Ossuary
' Tholoi' superseded by Cists; tendency towards individual interment; Clay sarco-
phagi and jars.

§6. M.M.I: (B) The Peak Sanctuary of Knossos, and the 'Tomb

of Zeus '............151

Cretan Cult of natural features ; Specially prominent at beginning of Middle Minoan
Age; Rock sanctuaries; Votive objects of Petsofa; Exploration of similar votive
stratum on Summit of Juktas; Outer Temenos wall enclosing early settlement; Was
it a City of Refuge ? Inner shrine and Ash altar; Peak Sanctuary of the Early
Palace—Traditional 'Tomb of Zeus'; Gold Signet from Knossos illustrating early
Baetylic Cult; Minoan ' Beth-el'; Mother Goddess and youthful Satellite;
Anatolian parallels ; Minoan signet showing mourning scene at tomb of young
warrior God—Cretan Zeus; Baetylic obelisk on Knossian ring- - illustration of
'Tomb of Zeus'; Cave sanctuaries of Psychro ('Diktaion Antron') and Kamares;
That of Knossos recognized in the great Cave of Skoteinb.

§ 7. M.M.I: (C) Ceramic Phases—Pre-Palatial (a) and Later (b) . 164

Beginnings of M. M. I phase precede foundation of Palace; Earlier Centres of
Culture in E. Crete ; Great advance in Arts and Crafts at Knossos at close of
E. M. Ill; Evidences of a local predecessor of Palace; Series of early M.M.I
deposits beneath Palace floors; Deposit under Room of Stone Vats ; Its varied
contents—clay sealings with hieroglyphs of Class A, egg-shell ware, advanced
lapidaries' work, faience and inlays; Fore-arm of figurine—analogies with later
Temple Repositories; Abiding sanctity of area; Other contemporary deposits
belonging to M. M. I a; Votive clay 'sheep-bells'; Growing polychromy on
pottery, shown in M. M. Ib; Early geometric patterns; Influence of stone vases
on ceramic polychromy; ' Barbotine ' ornament; Moulded and naturalistic decora-
tion ; Animal Figures; Flowers and Foliage; Shells; Deposit beneath W. Court;
' Rhytons' in form of bulls, with acrobats ; Burial jars and chests.

§ 8. M.M.I: (D) Metal-Work, Seals, and Foreign Relations . 191

Silver vessels and clay imitations; ' Kantharos' type points to Trojan source;
Influence of Early Troadic-silver trade ; Clay imitations of bronze amphoras ; Bronze
weapons and implements ; Hieroglyphic Script, Class A ; Seals and sealings ; Hemi-
cylinder of Ivory with Betrothal Scene; Babylonian cylinder from Platanos; Ishtar