Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Band 1): The Neolithic and Early and Middle Minoan Ages — London, 1921

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§ 8. M. M. I : (D) Metal-Work, Seals, and Foreign Relations.

Silver vessels and clay imitations ; ' Kantkaros ' type points to Trojan
source; Influence of Early Troadic silver trade; Clay imitations of bronze
amphoras; Bronze weapons and implements ; Hieroglyphic Script, Class A ;
Seals and sealings ; Hemicy'Under of Ivory with Betrothal Scene ; Babylonian
cylinder from Platanos ; Ishtar the Interceder and Syrian A dad; Chrono-
logical indications supplied by discovery; Imitation and adaptation of
Early Twelfth Dynasty Scarab types ; Appearance of Hippopotamus Goddess
—later source of beneficent Minoan Genii ; Decorative seal types of Egyptian
derivation ; Influence of Egyptian ceiling patterns ; Conclusions as to chrono-
logical limits of AIM. I.

Owing to the defective character of the sepulchral evidence, objects in
metal-work, especially in the precious metals, are as yet but sparsely forth-
coming-. Silver vessels already appear in the latter part of the E. M. Age Silver


as well as in the contemporary Cycladic deposits. Although, however, types of
vessels in precious metals have not come to light in the Middle Minoan Ceramic

1 o t orm.

Palaces at Knossos and Phaestos, the reflection of such metallic originals is

seen in a whole series of ceramic forms belonging to M. M. I and II.

Happily, both an original silver vase and elegant imitative types in painted

clay were found in a ' House Tomb ' ossuary of this Period at Gournia Influence

(Fig. 139, a, b, c).1 The M. M. I b deposit beneath the West Court at or Proto-

Knossos 2 was specially rich in such imitative forms showing carinated out- tyPes-

lines and a lustrous metallic Maze. The thinness of the walls is also

characteristic and the egg-shell ware itself seems to have been due to the

desire to rival the fineness of metal-work.

The special interest of this silver ' kantharos ' type lies in the derivative

relation in which it stands to still earlier Trojan forms that themselves go

back to the simple two-handled horn (see Fig. 138). This connexion makes

it probable that the appearance of these types in Crete was itself a result of

1 Boyd Hawes, Gournia, PI. C, Figs, i and 3, and cf. 2. Cf. Seager, Excavations at Fasiiik),
1906, PI. XXXI, 2. 2 See above, p. 1S7, Fig. 13G-