Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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§92. Discoveries of 1930: Outer Line of Enceinte Wall and
Entrance System to the West: New 'Koulouras' over
Earlier Houses..........48

Season's plans 1930—veconstitution in North-West region; Unexpected develop-
ment on West border; Discovery of new outer Enceinte; Includes "North-West
Treasure House'; Traces of Enciente wall West of' Theatral Area'; Pro to-palatial
North-West Court within it; Enceinte wall contemporary; Outer entrance system
on the West—ramp of early roadway; Platform of terrace and converging cause-
ways ; South-West Angle of outer Enceinte; Southern Section; Earlier entrance
passage running East; Roadway West—comparisons with other Minoan roads of
Crete and of Mycenae; Small chambers under roadways; Discovery of two new
'Koulouras' (2 and 3) forming, with 1, symmetrical line across West Court—made
for disposal of refuse; Contents result of dumping and unstratified; Earth layers:
Contents of 'Koulouras'2 and 3 M. M. II, those of 1, M. M. Ill; 'Koulouras'
cleared out at end of M. M. II; Their Sanitary object; also served as blind wells ;
M. M. I a houses beneath 'Koulouras' 2 and 3; House A—sunken circle and
bowl in floor of chamber; House B, with Corridors and Magazines; Rich ceramic
contents—M. M. I a; Jar of unique construction ; Large Store jars; Part of purple
gypsum Table with architectonic moulding ; Akropolis houses North of 'Koulouras';
Room with utensils for domestic Snake Cult; Proto-palatial (M. M. la) date of
Outer Enceinte Wall; Extension along West Section of Northern border; Fortifi-
catory character of Enceinte; Early Cretan and Aegean fortification.

§ 93. Fresh Lights on Polychrome Pottery of the Great Age :

'Barbotine' Ware and the Influences of Sea-shells . . 96

Break in stratification at end of M. M. I a; Series of later deposits representing
M. M. lb; Fresh evidence from 'West Polychrome Deposit'; Fabric of finest
' egg-shell' ware already by M. M. I a; Metal prototypes of' tumblers'; M. M. I b
Polychrome example; Later evolution of 'tumbler' type; Colour changes in
M. M. lb: Textile character of plant decoration; Rise of 'Barbotine' technique;
M; M. la examples of 'Barnacle work'; Illustrated by naturalistic examples of
M. M. Ill; Minoan fondness for grotesque natural designs; Secondary ' Barbo-
tine' phase characteristic of M. M. lb; Its marine sources—the 'Thorny Oyster'
and ' Thorn-back Crab'; This ' Prickle work ' used in designs of shells; Fine com-
bination of 'Barbotine' technique with early Polychromy on M. M. I b jug; Exqui-
site development of' Prickle work ' on M. M. II a bowls; Lower date of' Barbotine'
decoration; Late example at Harageh c. 1900b.c.—absent at Kahun ; Sporadic
survivals; M. M. la Cockle-shell relief and later parallels; 'Nature-moulding'as
well as 'Nature-printing'; Influence of Sea-shells on evolution of ornament;
Whorl-shells in relation to spiraliform motives; Dolium or ' Tun-shell' in Minoan
Art; Conch-shell or Triton; Parallel decorative evolution of whorl-shells in New
Mexico ; Curious compound shell-type—perhaps derived from ' Tun-shell';
Development of 'Marine style' begins in M. M. I a— Cockle-shell reliefs; Later
examples on metal vases; Repousse reliefs of compound bivalves on polychrome
vessels; Specimens identical with Knossian from Phaestos and Palaikastro ; Distri-
buted from Royal Knossian factory; Similar reliefs on ' Creamy border' ware from
Knossos; This class first distinguished here; 'Fruit-stand' type; 'Tortoise-shell
ripple' motive imitated from flu tings of metal-work; Cups with this motive copied
from gold goblets like those of Mycenae; Petalled vase and flower—floral attach-
ment imitated from jewellery ; Parallel ' Flower cones' from early Cbaldaean sites ;
Beaked ewer in ' Creamy-bordered ' Style; Polychrome vases with similar neck-ring ;