Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
1 cm


§ 90. Plans for Structural Re-constitution carried to Comple-
tion. Section of Bull-grappling Relief set up in West
Portico of Northern Entrance-.......1

Unique conditions of Excavation on site of Knossos ; Alternative of re-supporting
upper Stories or of complete ruin ; Earlier materials employed unsatisfactory ; Pro-
blem solved by use of ferro-concrete; Results tested by Eartbquakes of 1926 and
1930 ; Lateral reconstruction for buttressing important structures; Reconstruction
of South-West Columnar Chamber—Pillar Crypt below; Deposit of L. M. la
pottery—votive figure of Ox; Sanctuary character of Columnar Chamber; Removal
of fresco remains to Museum, but replicas of important frescoes replaced in situ, on
walls ; Completion of this work North-West and North of Central Court; Reconsti-
tution of West Portico of Northern Entrance Passage; Restored plan of area;
Painted relief compositions of the two Porticoes relating to bull-sports; Compari-
sons made with Vapheio Cup and relief from ' Atreus' Tomb at Mycenae; Restora-
tion of upper elements of North-West Porch ; West Portico of Northern Entrance
Passage as restored; Section of its painted reliefs replaced in replica, showing
charging bull and olive-tree; Greek interpretation of Minotaur—a Minoizing bead-
seal ; Haunted site left deserted, except by ' House of Rhea'.

§91. The Minoan Goddess as Patroness of the Palace Bull-ring—
New Chryselephantine Image of her as 'Lady of the
Sports' : Sacrifice of Corrida Bulls and its Survival . . 19

Bull-sports of Palace Arena as illustrated by the wall-paintings and reliefs; Pillar
Shrine of Goddess depicted, overlooking Bull-ring ; Sexual transformation of girl
performers—their male 'Sheath'; Anatolian source of bull-sports—divinity there
male; Varied aspects of Minoan Goddess; Her interest in Games; Her Sacred
Swing—terra-cotta model; Doves perched on its side-posts—emblems of divine
possession; Swinging as magical and religious rite—Aiora festival at Athens;
Swinging in Modern Gieece and Crete; Normal impersonations of Goddess, in
fashionable dress, unfitted for Sports; New Chryselephantine figure of Goddess in
garb resembling Taureador's ; With matronly corset, however, combined with male
loin clothing and masculine 'cod-piece' attached—Minoan adaptation of ' Libyan
Sheath'; Facial features of figurine: Classical profile, like Cambridge Goddess;
Emergence of new statuette with similar features; Diadem and coronal of Chrys-
elephantine figure ; Its broad necklace—sign of rank; Height and girth of statuette
—comparisons with adult male figures ; Comparison with ' Boston Goddess'; ' Lady
of the Sports'—still a Mother Goddess ; Her aid constantly invoked by \\tx protegh
of Bull-ring; A Vision of comfort in direst need; Sacrifice of bull of Corrida on
Thisbe seal-type—a priestly Matador ; Gem-types showing sacrificed bull on Table;
Sacrificed bull on Table in H. Triada Fresco ; Funereal sacrifice of bulls; Offertory
animals depicted as coursing in Arena; Survivals of Minoan bull-sports—Thessalian
Taurokatkapsia ; Artemis Tauropolos and Taurobolos; Survival of Minoan bull-
sports as religious function at Miletos—an old Cretan foundation ; Bull sacrifice of
the Boegia.