Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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1 cm

girdle) B, it is 5-6 cm., or about 5 cm. beneath it, the outline being some-
what oval, c, round the thighs, is 11 cm. at the point shown in Fio-. jg
and 11-8 cm. in the greatest girth.
Compari- The adult bronze figure of the male sex referred to was about

adult 25 centimetres, or 10 inches, in height, and therefore supplies an approximate

"lale standard of comparison. In that case the girth under the armpits1 was
figures. l ° r

about 10 centimetres, as in the case of the chryselephantine female statuette.

The girth round the waist, following the hollow of the girdle, was 7-3 cm.,

or 17 cm.—over a third—greater. Round the buttocks the maximum girth

of the male figure was 14-4 centimetres, or 2-6 cm. more than in the case of

the opposite sex, a tribute to the muscular development of Minoan athletes.

Even in the breadth at the hips the male figure very nearly approached the

female, 4-3 centimetres as against 47.

The measurements of the ' Leaping Youth ', as adapted to a standing

position, from the crown of the head to the heel'work out to 25-6 centimetres,

closely corresponding to the height of the bronze male figure. This, allowing

for a reduction of jj, according to the normal proportions of the two sexes,

would answer to a female figure approximately 23-5 cm., a stature practically

identical with that attributed to our little chryselephantine image when


This correspondence has certainly a very significant bearing on the

source of this remarkable relic, which, after long years of furtive seclusion,

has, like the others, referred to above, so surprisingly emerged to the light

of day. Whether or not it had belonged to the same ' Deposit of Ivories',

there can be little doubt that it was executed in the same palatial workshop.

Compari- Though the ' Boston Goddess' is on a somewhat smaller scale, points

' Boston of resemblance in style and fabric are also to be observed in that case,

?°d", equally suggestive of a common and contemporary origin. In addition to

the naturalistic treatment of the falling tresses and the delicate modelling

of the back, already noted, the similar conformation of the very prominent

breasts, and the same indication of the nipples by the heads of gold pins at

once strike the eye. Among decorative parallels may be noticed, too, the

embossed disks arranged in two rows on the gold plates of the Goddess s

lowest flounce, as on the collar described above.-

Little doubt can be entertained that in the present case, too, we have

1 For the sections of this see P. of M., iii, motive, shown below to be the peculiar pro-
p. 460, Fig. 321. perty of the 'Snake Goddess' and, in fact

2 The plates of other flounces of the Boston her sacred ' Adder Mark '. See below, p. ror
figurine are adorned with the 'wave and dot' seqq.