Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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§ 97. Architectural Friezes and other Reliefs from the ' Middle
Palace ' at Knossos and the ' Riddle of Mycenae '.

Discovery of fresh Section- of ' Iriglyph' and kalfrosette relief band—
identical with frieze from A treus Tomb at Mycenae; Similar friezes at
Knossos on At. M. Ill a frescoes ; Contemporary rosette reliefs there ; ' Tri-
glyph' and ' half-rosette' frieze of N. W. Entrance—aM.M. III-L.M. I
feature. Absence of later examples at Knossos; Later painted frieze in
Megarou Porch, Mycenae ; A labaster frieze of Tiryns—an outgrowth of
Knossian type; Fragment of gypsum Capital from ' Clylemuesira' faQade—
its spiral and plaitwork decoration typical of M. M- III a ; Steatite Medal-
lion pithoi found in ' Clylemuesira ' Tomb, resembling those of Royal Maga-
zines at Knossos; Fragment of limestone pithos from West Magazine,
Knossos ; M. M. Ill a Stone vases with plaitwork and inlays from ' Clytem-
nestra' Tomb; Fragment of Cretan breccia ' rhytou' from 'Atreus' dromos,
inform of bu-ll's head ; Sciclptured details of the two great Tholoi as well as
interior relics connected with M. M. Ill Palace at Knossos; Impossible
theory of Earlier 'Shaft Grave' and later 'Tholos' Dynasty at Mycenae.
Transference of burials for safety's sake from Bee-hive Tombs to Shaft Graves
within walls natural explanation; Different character of VIth Grave—
always in situ; Incongruity of attribution of 'Atreus' tomb to Age of
Mycenaean decadence. New materials in support of ' Transference' view.
Ccntents of Shaft Graves synchronize with relics found in the tzoo Great
Tholoi. Embossed gold plates found in Tholoi like those in Shaft Graves.
Latest of tlie continuous ceramic series in Tholoi as in Shaft Graves, L.M.Ib ;
Later occupation of Tholoi in L.M. Illb; Stelae originally placed under
vaults as well as in the open; In rock tombs at Mycenae; In Dendra
Cenotaph and Tholos near Heraeon; Stela in Knossian Chamber Tomb;
Reliefs on Mycenae stelae of Knossian lapidary School; Minoau seal-types
taken over onto stelae: Connexions with Xlltli Dynasty scarab-types—
' Egypto-Miuoan' patterns; Features of M. M. Ill' Marine style' on stela ;
Spiraliform patterns on early stela from Egypto-Minoan repertory of
Knossos; Discovery of remains of sculptured slab at Knossos with similar
reliefs of interlocked rows of spirals ; Flat relief of rounded shaft on slab
compared with baelylic example in ' Tomb of Double Axes'.

The altars and sanctuary fittings illustrated in the last Section lead us
to a class of ornamental reliefs specially associated with the facades of