Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Ivy, sacral, (cont.)

-------three-stalked, IV. 358 D. 4

-------on bronze basin from Knossos, 11. 642

-------on fresco from House of the Frescoes,

11. 466, 478
-------on gypsum lamp from S.E. House, in.


-------on 'Ring of Nestor', in. 146, 154

-------on pottery from Aegina, iv. 273, 274

-----------from Eski Samsoun (Amisos), iv. 764

-----------from Kahun, 11. 273, 274, 488

-----------from Kakovatos, 11. 484, 486,487,488,

iv. 274

-----------from Knossos, iv. 319-22, 360

-----------from Mycenae, 11.487,488, iv. 241 n. 4,


-----------from Palaikastro, 11. 486, IV. 274

-----------from Phylakopi, III. 312

-----------from Pontus, 11. 538 n. 2, 658, 659

-----------from Pseira, 11. 484

-----------from Tell-el-Amarna, iv. 749

-----------from Thebes, 11. 487, iv. 274, 288,

3S» n- 4
-----------from Vapheio, I v. 273, 274

1-----------from Volo, 11. 659 n. 1

-------sign, in Linear Script B, 11. 483, 484 n. 1,

iv. 758
-----------on nodules from Hagia Triada, 11.

484 n. 1

—•-------on tablets from Knossos, 11. 484 n. 1

-----------on jar from Asine, iv. 758

Ivy-flowers, on L.M. la cup from Pseira, n.



Jackal-head rhytons borne by Minoan tribu-
taries on tomb of User Amon at Thebes,
11. 738; of Men-kheper'ra-senb, 11. 746
Jacob, tribe of, and Hyksos Kings, 1. 420
Jadeite Neolithic implement from Knossos,

11. 13
Jahveh, I. 198
Jardanos, 11. 278 n. 1
Jars, see Pithoi and see under Pottery
Jasili Kai'a, Hittite rock caning of at Boghaz

Keui, 11. 275
Jasper chisel, Neolithic, from Knossos, n. 13, 14
— inlays, on lioness' head rhyton from Knossos,
11. 829

Jasper (cont.)

— relics from E. Treasury, in. 399

— seals and signets, M.M., 1. 273, 673

-----------from Arkhanes, in. 418

-----------from Athens, I v. 583

-----------from Crete, iv. 624; Central, iv. 581;

East, 11. 764

-----------from Knossos, in. 116, iv. 405, 492

-----------from Kydonia, iv. 518, 576

-----------from Mirabello, iv. 627

-----------from Mycenae, in. 230, 466, iv. 474,


-----------from Naples, in. 474

-----------from Rethymnos, in. 316

-----------from Siteia, iv. 570

-----------from Vapheio, n. 785, iv. 412

— weight, in form of lion, from Tell-el-

Amarna, iv. 530
Javelins, bronze, from Chamber Tomb I A at
Isopata, iv. 841

— on Miniature fresco from Knossos, in. 31,

82, iv. 841

— on tablets from Armoury Deposit, iv. 840
Jerome, St., cited, as to previous cult of Tham-

muz (Adonis) and Ishtar (Venus) in birth-
cave at Bethlehem, n. 39, ill. 476

Jerusalem, revolt of Negro garrison of under
Amenhotep III, n. 757

Jet, studs of, 11. 130

Jeweller}-, Early Helladic, boar's tusks used in,
iv. 870

— Minoan, from Mochlos (E.M. II), 1. 95-8,

iv. 125-423
-------M.M. la gold pendant with hornets,

from Mallia, iv. 75, 76
-------from Chieftain's Grave at Zafer Papoura,

iv. 860
-------depicted on frescoes and painted reliefs,

i- S25. 526, 547,11. 317, 427, 644, 682, 791,

817, 818, in. 50, 485, iv. 285, 518

-------funerary, n. 789, in. 144

-------on chryselephantine figure of Minoan

Goddess, iv. 36, 37
-------influence of on L.M. ceramic ornament,

iv. 316
-------influenced by Sumerian flower types of,

iv. 124-6 (and cf. iv. 75), 423

— and see Anklets, Beads, Bracelets, Crowns,

Diadems, Ear-rings, Necklaces, Pendants,
Pins, Rings, Seals, Signet-rings