Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Evans, Arthur J.
The Palace of Minos: a comparative account of the successive stages of the early Cretan civilization as illustred by the discoveries at Knossos (Index) — London, 1936

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Pseira (cont.)

— stone goblet from, 11. 790 n. 4

Psellos, Michael, on tomb of Zeus, I. 154

Psemmatismeno, Cyprus, copper swords from

cemeteries at, 11. 273 n. 3
Pshent, see Kilt

Psi hieroglyph, M.M. II, 1. 278, 284, 285
Psychro, cave sanctuary of—identified with
Diktaean Cave:

on Dikte, I. 1, 159, 163, 444,11. 527

birthplace of Zeus, 11. 48

connexion with Juktas, 11. 439

— with Knossos, 11. 439
cult in, I. 629, 11. 81
doves in, iv. 411
stalagmitic pillars in, 11. 839

pottery from, L.M. Ilia, iv. 295, 312, 369,

seal-stones from, 1. 199, m. 316, iv. 168,

steatite libation table from, with inscription
of Linear Class A, 1. 497, 625-30, 11. 48,
438, iv. 157 (found in 1894: in Ashmolean

votive deposits at, 11. 135

— bronze dagger from, M.M. II, I. 195 n. 1,
719, 720,11. 754, in. in, iv. 845, 848

-------double axe and base, 1. 427, 438, iv. 212

-------figure of adorant, 1. 681, m. 461

-------ox-head weight, iv. 655

-------bronze tablet, with cult scene, inscribed,

I. 632-5,11. 790 n. 3, in. 69, 462, iv. 672
Pteria, see Boghaz Keui

Ptolemy, son of Agesandros, on grave of Kiny-

ras, 11. 838 n. 2
Pueblo Indians, shell patterns on pottery of, IV.

Puemra, tomb of at Thebes, 11. 739, 754
Pugilists, see Boxers
Pulasati, identified with Philistines, on pylon of

Medinet Habu, 1. 664, 666
Pumice stone, from Neolithic strata at Knossos,

II. 13

-------from beneath W. Magazine, I. 172

Punches, middle Neolithic, from Knossos, I. 42,

11. 13
Puppet-shows, religious, in S. Italy, in. 435
Purple, see Shell, murex
Pylon of Medinet Habu, 1. 664, 665, II. 35 n. 3,

346, in. 95

Pylos, Messenian, L.M. lb tholoi at, n. 43, iv.

-----------pottery from, 11. 246, 247, 487, 488

— Old, see Kakovatos
Pyramids, Egyptian, 11. 41 n. 2

-------workmen's settlement at Harageh con-
nected with, II. 211

— of Senusert II, M.M. II pottery found near,

11. 210

— of Teti, siege scene on, in. 102 n. 4
Pyrgos, on Great South road, Minoan guard

station at, n. 76

— traces of road near, n. 75

Pyrgos, by Niru Khani, ossuary at, 1. 56, 59, 70,
11. 280

— larnakes from, I. 59 n. 2, 11. 75

— leg-amulets from, I. 84

— pottery from, E.M., 1. 60, 114, 11. 10, 12, IV.


— schist figurines from, I. 84
Pyrgos Psilonero, see Kydonia
Pyxides, Cycladic, 1. 20, 112, 11. 40
—■ inlaid steatite, iv. 91

— from Kumasa, iv. 91

— from Messenian Pylos, 11. 246, 247

— from Pyrgos, I. 114

— lid of crystal, from E. Treasury at Knossos,

in. 410

-------green steatite, from Mochlos, I. 93, 11.

362 n. 1


Qebeh, Egyptian libation vase from, 11. 825
Quarries, Minoan, at Hagia Irini, 11. 62

-------at Hagio Pnevma, 11. 233

-------at Knossos, 11. 295

--------at Niru Khani, 11. 233, 280

Quarry (of chase), wounded, in Minoan sphra-

gistic ornament, iv. 543 et seqq.
Quat*efoil inlays, iv. 236, 315, 940
Querns, stone, from House of the Sacrificed

Oxen, 11. 305
Quibell, Mr. C, on dolmens near Cairo, 11

181 n. 3


Ra, sign of, on scarab seals, II. 207
-------on Mycenaean stela, II. 201

— victory of over serpent Apet, n. 841