Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Falkener, Edward; Belli, Onorio
A description of some important theatres and other remains in Crete: from a ms. history of Candia by Onorio Belli in 1586 — London, 1854

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Onorio Belli exercised, for many years, in his native city, the
profession of his father. In 1579 he was elected a member of
the Olympic Academy. In the following year he was entrusted
by that body with an interlude, in the representation, at the
Olympic theatre, of the (Edipus of Sophocles.* On the new the-
atre being completed shortly afterwards, a statue to his honour
was placed among the other ornaments of the scene. In 1583
he was appointed physician to the Proveditor General of Candia,
Luigi di Antonio Grimani dei Servi, and left Vicenza on the
31st day of March. Grimani finding the country in a state of
great disorder, determined to re-establish it, if possible, by
making a personal tour of the whole island; and Belli had thus
an ample opportunity to write a particular description of the
whole province, and to investigate its antiquities. He even
persuaded Grimani to undertake excavations among the ruins
of the principal cities, and the success which attended them
amply compensated their labours ; for not only did they find
statues, but many inscriptions were dug up, several of which
indicated the names of ancient cities, the sites of which were
previously unknown. Grimani, having re-established order,
returned to Venice, leaving Belli behind him, at the urgent
request of the inhabitants of Canea, as physician to that city.
In this capacity, and in the enjoyment of a handsome salary, he
continued for some years, during the leisure of which time he
prosecuted his work; but owing to constant occupations " it
was not till last summer (1596)—when I had a little respite—■
that I was enabled to bring to completion that which I had
commenced so long before: in doing which I have been obliged,
by various causes, to set aside the general design, and many
particulars connected with the island, leaving out the subdi-
vision of territory, with the boundaries of the different districts
and castles, and some other points which I considered necessary

* Angiolgabriello di Santa Maria, Bill, e Sior. dei scrittori di Vicenza. 4to.
Vic, 1778.