Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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arched vault. Prom the outside, or from any neighbouring
hill, they look like a series of ovens or dome-tops rising from
flat roofs. In these covered streets or bazaars camels and
asses have free passage; and on either side are shops, or
shop-boards, with the vendors on their knees, or leaping
about like frogs over their various wares, which are arranged
in the manner most tempting to those fond of gay colours
and gaudy embroidery. The trades generally are in separate
compartments, each having its bazaar: the one for ancient
arms, or rather armour of all ages, is quite a museum; but
the articles generally sold are clothing and ornaments of a
costly kind, and these are very dear.

The people in the East spare no expense in dress. They
wear a garment for a great length of time, but it would
ruin an active-bodied, weather-braving inhabitant of northern
Europe to dress as they do here. Their furs, shawls, arms,
and embroidery are each a little fortune, and not kept as
holiday-clothes, but worn daily. The price of a travelling
cap of lambskin from Persia was eight pounds: a piece of
material of cheap imitation Persia shawl, for a dressing-
gown, was seven pounds ten shillings; an embroidered
tobacco-bag, four pounds; and yet the buyers of these things
count their paras (about four to a farthing) and spend little
except in dress.

The bazaars for spices, scents, drugs, and dried fruits have
each their peculiar and often pleasing perfume. That for
shoes forms one of the gayest marts; not a pair of black
ones is to be sold. I see "Day and Martin" advertised,
but this must be for the Prank population alone, who do
not frequent the Turkish bazaar for the purchase of shoes.

The lambskins of which I spoke are generally from As-
tracan, but are produced in most of the southern countries.
I have seen some of inferior quality in the South of Italy;
the peculiarity of the most valued is that the wool is of close,
firm little curls, and the colour glossy black: this is obtained

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