Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Here I had to wait two hours for horses ; and after piling
my baggage under a wide-spreading plane-tree in the open
space in the town, my servant accompanied me in search of
antiquities. On my suggesting the possibility of the un-
guarded luggage being stolen during our absence, he replied
that the Turks might not steal, their religion forbade it;
that the things were quite safe, and the more so from their
being left exposed. During this time I was the lion of the
place. One of the chief persons begged me to tell him the
hour; and his watch and others, (if there were any others
in the town) were doubtless regulated by mine, which I
had set by guess some weeks before whilst I was watching
the sun sink into the sea.

Two very anxious-looking men came to ask me to prescribe
for their friend, who was sick, and wished me to go and see
him; my servant assured them that I was no doctor, and
advised me not to offer even simple medicines, as if the man
grew worse it would be attributed to me. His case was
simple, and I have no doubt I could have cured him ; but
I have not much compunction for not having attempted it,
as his disorder had been caused by eating too much of a not
very wholesome dish called Toughoot. This food is very
common here, and generally liked by Europeans; it re-
sembles lemon cream, but is made of commoner materials,
namely new milk with a little rennet, turning it to a curd,
which is not pressed, but eaten in the consistency of jelly;
this dish is served up at all times, and with various accom-
paniments. Sometimes, for economy, a little of a former
making is kept to leaven the new batch.