Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Fellows, Charles
Travels and researches in Asia Minor, more particularly in the province of Lycia — London, 1852

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sand feet above the sea, the first part of the road being by
no means damp or swampy. The whole country is very
thinly inhabited, and has at this season no vegetation, for
the winter is not yet over; the ground each morning is
covered with white frost, and a sharp easterly wind prevails.
I have seen no part of Asia Minor more cleanly, or where
the streets are freer from animal remains. The earth is a
porous limestone, and the water seems excellent every-
where. I have remarked the bread for its peculiar goodness;
it is made wholly of wheaten flour; the pelaf is here, as in
other parts, the general food. On entering the first village,
where I found the plague raging, I noticed to my servant
that I thought it unlikely we should find ruins there, for the
houses appeared built in the fields, the streets had spaces
of grass, and each house was detached; the whole village
standing on the gentle slope of the hill, with no rivers or
water in sight.

"While waiting for horses this morning, I climbed up the
rock in the town to see the lake anciently called Ascania,
and its scenery, which is very beautiful. "Whilst contem-
plating the view, looking down upon the village just under
me, I saw twenty or thirty people assembled there. Prom
a house near to the one I had occupied, they brought out
a body, and carried it to the grave. They buried it without
coffin, and I observed the body bend when lowered into the
grave; this might have been caused by the washing in warm
water which took place at the door of the house. The man
had died in the night, and I was not sorry to see our
horses loading and at the door, where I found my servant
in great alarm, and anxious to escape from the town.