Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Fellows, Charles
Travels and researches in Asia Minor, more particularly in the province of Lycia — London, 1852

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plied I could not have mine ; but after a few hours' delay I
have always obtained them. On entering this valley we
found thirty or forty of the principal inhabitants waiting
the arrival of their new Governor, to escort him across the
plain, about three miles, to the town. Among the group of
full-dressed Turks sitting on the ground, with their gaily-
caparisoned horses feeding by their sides, were about a
hundred young lambs and kids, which on the first ap-
pearance of the cavalcade were to be slaughtered, and
presented to the Governor, each by its owner, with a view
to secure the favour of the new despot.

The town of Sparta is better built than any I have before
seen in this country, perhaps owing to the use of stone in
the construction of the houses; but it is the stone as washed
down the hills, and not hewn; and an inner plastering of
mud is added to fill up the crevices. Many of the houses
have large gardens filled with trees, which give the town the
appearance of a wood. Streams of water run through most
of the streets, and the town being on the declivity of the
mountain, there are many hills erected upon them. I
lodged about a mile up one of these rivers, at the house of
the owner of a mill, a man of considerable property, quite a
character; having been a slave some years in Moscow, he
fancied he had seen all Europe, and that England and
France were parts of Russia ; indeed I find that this people
generally know no distinction between the various Euro-
pean nations.

Eew traces of antiquity are found here : from a rich
Corinthian cornice I copied an inscription, which was evi-
dently of a later date than the work of the frieze.

I had great difficulty in obtaining horses, owing to a
Pasha passing through Sparta to Adalia ; but after a delay
of three hours, by half-past nine o'clock I was on my way
to Alaysoon. I notice the following incidents as illustra-
ting the character of the people. About three miles from the