Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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and above me on all the overhanging rocks were the founda-
tions of walls. What was my surprise to find, on ascending,
the extensive remains of a superb city, containing seven or
eight temples, and three other long buildings, ornamented
with cornices and columns, and with rows of pedestals on
either side ! I know not what these buildings may have
been, but from their forming long avenues I imagine they
were agoras.

On the side of a higher hill is one of the most beautiful
and perfect theatres I ever saw or heard of; the seats and
the greater part of the proscenium remain ; the walls of the
front have partly fallen, but the splendid cornices and
statuary are but little broken. I walked almost round, in
the arched lobby, entering as the people did above two
thousand years ago. Eight or nine venerable walnut-trees
have done some damage, by heaving up the seats. Prom its
peculiar situation I judge that this theatre was entered on
one side, where appeared three or four vomitories together.
The whole of the city, with its costly tombs and its inscrip-
tions, both cut in the rocks and on the sarcophagi, is ancient
Greek, without a vestige of Roman or Christian character.
The helmet, shield, and lance, together with masks and
lions' heads, varied the ornaments of the richly-worked Co-
rinthian cornice. I observed in the agoras many of the
pedestals were six-sided. The whole town was a pile of
superb public buildings, arranged in excellent taste, both
for seeing and being seen ; the ruins are, for so elevated a
spot, extensive, and in their mountainous situation are
wildly grand. The theatre faced the south. The town has
no trace of walls, but its tombs are to be seen carved
in the rocks for miles around, with much architectural
ornament. This must, I suppose, be the situation assigned
to the ancient Sagalassus ; it is now called by the Turks

My guide kept earnestly begging that I would point out

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