Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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three-pointed battlements; these are at the entrance to the
pass, and are similar to many others found here, which for-
merly protected each of the entrances to the interior through
this range of mountains. As the evening closed in, we saw
in the horizon a tent under a tree, and by the nickering
of lights in the neighbourhood and barking of dogs, we
knew that we approached an encampment of the Yourooks,
who, with the Turcomans, form the pastoral inhabitants of
this country.

The larger tent was evidently that of the Governor of the
village, who with his people moves with the seasons. I rode
up, and having asked his protection, pitched my tent in front
of his. Cream, bread, water, and fuel were supplied to us ;
and here, as everywhere else, the greatest attention and
hospitality were shown: I was soon surrounded with all I
needed, and now, for the first time, am swinging in my ham-

To describe the next scene I should need the talent of
Scott. Looking out from my tent at ten o'clock everything
was still and calm. The moon and stars had supplied their
cool light, the snow-topped mountains glittered in contrast
with the dark blue sky, and the horizon was only broken by
the grey shrubs and the tents of the sleeping peasants.
Around me lay my &ve horses tethered, and carefully covered
with tattered but gay-coloured clothing; immediately before
me was a group of seven Turks in full costume, each having
a knife and large ornamented pistols in his belt, sitting
round a blazing fire, on which my servant was preparing my
supper, discoursing at the same time to his wondering and
attentive hearers. They were a most picturesque party.
Beyond them was the open, rude, black, goats'-hair tent of
the chief, supported by three poles, and built up on each side
with loose stones ; upon the pole in front were hung his
long gun and lance, or pole, and by them stood a Turk as
guard. "Within, upon carpets and cushions, lay the weather-
