Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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quarrel ensued, and a lad was severely beaten, and left they
say half-dead. The Turks upon this put down their load,
leaving the party half-way upon the road, to get as they
could to their vessel, but offered no violent retaliation. On
their return the whole village swore to have no intercourse
with Europeans in future ; and in order to do this without
breaking the law, they would not point out their chief, to
whom, or of whom, alone an application or complaint can be
made. The lad who accompanied us was of a neighbouring
village, but was cautioned by the people of Pallattia that we
did not intend to pay him, and that he was sure to be well
beaten by us. We could not remove from his mind the fear
of this, and as we found plenty of horses at the Greek village
of Sansoon, at his earnest request we released him from his
bargain of accompanying us further, and he, to his great joy
and surprise, returned home without a beating, and with
money in his pocket. This incident, I think, shows how
much forbearance and philosophy there is in the conduct of
these people.