Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of history, or of morality. The coins found are very nume-
rous, but most of those I saw were of the Byzantine age,
and many with Roman inscriptions. I have selected some,
upon which is the name of this city, Aphrodisias, and others
of Plarasa, together with coins of the neighbouring cities
of Laodiceia, Philadelphia and Antiocheia, and a few of the
early kings of Caria, in silver, which were exceptions to the
general late age of the many brought by the industrious
inhabitants of this remnant of a village.

I copied one inscription, which seems intended to com-
memorate a priestess.

Prom this sarcophagus, which stood close by the side of
one less ornamented and without inscriptions, we copied an

interesting record, which shows how carefully the owners
of the tombs endeavoured to secure their preservation and
sole occupancy, and may also add to our knowledge of their
construction, and of the technical names of the various
portions. These sarcophagi stood upon a stone substruc-
ture, too much buried for our examination; but in many
others we saw, and in some were able to enter, a low apart-
ment beneath; this seems to be called here theplatas, and to
be appropriated to the less honoured individuals of the family*.

* Translation.—" The substructure \_JPlatas] is [the property] of
Adrastos Polychronios, the son of Grlykon, the son of Grlykon, the son of