Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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of Dondoorahn on the western side. Here, as at the other
ferries I have seen in this country, the boat is of a triangular
form, and looks like the head of a boat cut off at midships;
the rope which stretches across the river is of very consider-
able length, and is formed of vine-stems, many thirty or
forty feet long, spliced together at their ends. We are now
in the Konak, or house of the Aga, in the little village of
Yennibazaar, which is erroneously laid down in all the maps
as are also many of the rivers in this district. I have been
shown some sheep here, which appear of the same breed as
all others of this country ; having the broad tail, and known
to us as the Cape sheep ; but these flocks I am told are pe-
culiar in having lambs twice during the year, and frequently
two lambs at a time. This profitable quality of course in-
creases the price of the sheep.

March 15th.—We are at a little village consisting of but
a few well-built stone houses in a plain; it is called Zhumar-
lee-cooe. In the yard of the Konak is a pedestal with an
inscription to Apollo#: I also observed many fragments of
ancient art evidently from some old site not far distant.
We are told that they are brought from Arab-Hiss<i, a village
eight miles south of this place, the object which has caused
me to seek this route. From Yennibazaar we have had a
beautiful ride of six hours, travelling for the first eight
miles down the valley of the Mseander, toward the west,
passing continually little villages on the sides of the hills:
these have all names signifying some rustic fare they aiford.
I put these down in the order we passed them, but none of
them deserved a remark for preference, although they may
serve as guides for future travellers. The situation of each
was fine and healthy, overlooking the broad and rich valley
to the north : Alkhan Kuilee Khan (or " ass's stable");
Chalgar, Yodurennee, Allahnee, Dalamon, Tepecooe, Youg-

* "[The statue?] of Apollo, the Liberator, the August." These
epithets, applied to Apollo, are unusual.

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