Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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The storehouses, large box-like barns, in which the grain
and property is preserved, are throughout this district seen,
and recognized by me as precisely similar, in form and de-
tail of apparent construction of ties and bolts, to the Eliza-
bethan description of tombs so commonly cut in the rocks
around them. These modern barns are in general slightly
roofed; the gable or pediment supports a pole at each of its
angles, the ends commonly protruding beyond the roof, which
is of thin planks, laid one over the other, and giving at the
end the effect of a cornice to the pediment, the whole of
which is never so well finished as the barns beneath, and
appears as a temporary covering: a slight pediment is like-
wise often seen accompanying this form of tomb, sculptured
in the rocks. The similarity of the storehouse represented
in the annexed sketch to the ancient tomb is strikingly ob-
vious; even the beam-ends may form the ornaments pro-
truding from the angles of the pediment.

In the various cottages, the roof, which is always of earth,
is held in its form by an attic of stones; upon this roof, as I
have often before mentioned, the Turks keep a roller for
levelling and rendering the earth water-tight; but at the
edges and on the corners, where the roller cannot press,
weeds often grow luxuriantly, and this suggests the tuft-like
leaf ornament so often seen in the Greek buildings rising
from the edge of the roofs. The Greek generally lives in a
hut built with more art and neatness, but still of a temple-
like form, as may be suggested by the sketch; his hut is
usually whitened, while that of the Turk is of mud, im-
bedding stones, sticks, or straw, as circumstances offer the
material. The walls never form the strength of the house,
which derives its support entirely from the framework of
timbers resting upon the columns or upright stems of trees
on the outside; stones placed under these, to prevent their
sinking into the ground, form bases, while the beams resting
upon their tops appear as capitals; in front, a stone or piece



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