Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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tendants, servants, or farming-labourers were among the
cattle, generally with their aprons tied around them, in which
they carried two or three young kids; they had often over
their shoulders a small calf, with all its legs held together
on the breast, exactly as seen in the offerings on the bas-
reliefs at Xanthus and elsewhere.

The longevity of the people in this pastoral country is very
remarkable. I am sure that we have seen at least twenty
peasants within the last two days above a hundred years
of age, and apparently still enjoying health and activity of
body; in some instances the mind appeared wandering.
An old-looking hag, screaming violently, seized my servant
Mania, and asked if he was come to take away her other child
for a soldier, for if he were gone she should have none left
to take care of her. The temperate habits of the Turks, as
well as some of their customs, may in part account for the
prolongation of life in this country. One custom I may
mention as tending to diminish the cares of age, and to
show the excellence of these simple people. When sons
grow up and marry, the father gives over to them his flocks
and property, and trusts to the known and natural affection
of his children to take care of him in his declining years:
to a son his parents are always his first charge.

Descending the mountain, we traversed the ridge of one
of those long promontories which cut the valley of the Xan-
thus into bays, and leave scarcely a bed for the winding
river. Our descend brought us immediately upon the bridge
which we had crossed on our way to visit Tlos. Baiting our
horses for two hours at noon, we continued a westerly di-
rection for three hours over the undulating and wooded
hills leading to the head of the valley of the Glaucus. On
these hills a small stream takes its rise, and runs toward
the centre of the plain, but is so nearly lost in the swampy
lands that it can scarcely be recognized as a river—the an-
cient Glaucus. It took us nearly three hours to traverse

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