Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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out tlie site of tlie famed Colossus at the entrance of the
smaller harbour. I found one or two pedestals worked up
in modern buildings, which show marks of Greek art in
their heads and festoons, and in the well-cut inscriptions, but
no other trace of the ancient Greeks was discoverable.

The present town within the walls is thickly inhabited,
but the mass of the Frank population reside in its environs,
each having his house within a high-walled garden. The
Greek inhabitants far outnumber all the rest. There are
also many Jews, who are each night locked within their own
quarters of the town. Considerable excitement prevails at
present against this people, owing to a story of a Greek
boy having been killed as a sacrifice to satisfy some of their
superstitions. The case is now pending, but no Jew passes
without the hoot or howl of the Greeks; the justice of the
Porte was shown on the first hearing of this affair, by its
ordering three of each party, Jew and Greek, to repair to
Constantinople and give all the information they could, pro-
mising at the same time that the most impartial and strict
inquiry should be made into the case.

The Turks have a strong garrison here, and perhaps it
may be more required than in other parts I have visited.
Ehodes has seen many changes, and the great bulk of its
inhabitants being aliens it may not improbably experience
many more. The island has forty villages, and produces
much fruit of all kinds: the peasantry are Greek, and if
allowed the privileges proffered by the new Firman, they
may cultivate the soil most profitably: the produce has
hitherto been seized so capriciously, that the ground was
only tilled for a sufficiency to supply the inhabitants. A
steam-packet now touches at this island more than once in
the month, on its way from Smyrna to Beyrout. Our hos-
pitable but unpaid Yice-consul, Mr. "Wilkinson, rendered me
every information in his power, but could give no tidings
of the Beacon ship. At noon, on the day of our arrival (the
