Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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and severity of the punishment inflicted upon men in au-
thority for acts of oppression. Tahir Pasha, the generalis-
simo of all the Pashas of Anatolia, and the active-minded
king of Idin, whom we saw but two months ago in all his
power, has oppressed the people of some villages in his dis-
trict, probably, among others, the village of Chi-cooe, which
we had visited; he is in consequence removed, and deprived
of all power and honour, thankful to have his life and liberty
spared and live as a private man. I have no doubt this is
good policy; by a bold stroke the Sultan has removed a too
powerful subject, and given confidence to the people of his
sincerity in carrying out his new system, a principal fea-
ture in which is that the government emanates solely from

Denizlee has few early ruins, although many walls built *
of a rough conglomerate of stones and vegetable matter,
massed together by lime, are scattered about the neighbour-
hood ; portions of the walls of the town are also of an early
date, but these are all much later than the numerous blocks,
columns, and fragments of white marble seen in the burial-
grounds and in every street, which, I find, are all brought
from Laodiceia, scarcely an hour's distance to the north: we
propose to proceed thither to-morrow.

May 2Zrd.—We have here parted with our Cavass, as he
is near his home, and his horses are too much jaded, by the
heat of the weather and long travel, to proceed further. We
have agreed with two Turks and a Greek to accompany us
hence to Smyrna in five days: the price we pay is a fixed
sum, and I observe in our suite an extra mule loaded with
packsaddles, that the whole stud may return with merchan-
dize from Smyrna.

I have spoken of the ruins of Laodiceia in my former Jour-
nal. Two years ago, as I approached this spot, nothing was
seen but vultures and the wild and solitary bustard; the only
trace of man was a few chips of marble broken from the

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