Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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April 1844.
To the Honourable the Trustees of The British Museum.


In order to register an account of the late researches in Lycia,
and of the position in which the several works of art have been
found amidst the ruins of the ancient city of Xanthus, I adopt
the mode of this communication that you may use the informa-
tion as may be deemed best to forward an endeavour to throw
light on history, and upon the arts of the early Lycians.

I have embraced the opportunities within my power to obtain,
by casts, measurements, and drawings, several points peculiar in
the architecture, sculpture, and language of the earliest inhabi-
tants of Lycia, and of which specimens are not found in the an-
cient metropolis ; to these I shall add any facts which may have
struck me, and by placing this collection with the results of the
late expedition within our National Museum, I trust ere long
much important knowledge may be developed. I shall as much
as possible confine myself to the information derived from the
various monuments in the country, without any endeavour to il-
lustrate these works by history. Many of the works are in
themselves history, and I know will in several instances testify
to the truth of much of the scanty records that have been handed
down to us in the writings of the ancients.

I shall begin by noticing the works of the earliest people who
have left vestiges in Lycia; and fortunately they are numerous.

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