Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Fergusson, James; Burgess, James
The cave temples of India — London, 1880

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five squat Buddhas, and below are larger sitting figures : to the left,
1st, Padmapani with his lotus; 2nd, a figure with something very
like a crozier; 3rd, one with a sword over a flower; and, 4th, with
fruit and a flag. On the right, 1st, Vajrapani, defaced ; 2nd, a figure
with a flower; 3rd, one with flower-stalk and book; 4th, with lotus
bud. On the inside of the front wall are—on the north a squatting
female with a belt over her breasts; and on the south, one with
four arms, a bottle, and a flower.

From the south end of the front aisle the stair ascends, and from
the first landing a room is entered on the south side of the court,
with two pillars in front. On the back wall is a Buddha on a high
throne with his usual attendants; and on the west side is Padmapani
seated between a male and female—the latter, perhaps, his wife.
There are many smaller figures, four-armed Devis, &c, in this

From this the stair leads up to the first floor. It has a long open
verandah in front, and a large central entrance divided by two square
pillars leads into the hall. There are also entrances from near each
end of the verandah. These lead into a long hall, 11 feet 5 inches
high, divided into three aisles by two rows of eight pillars each.
On the ends of the central vestibule are many sculptures,—among
them Padmapani seated between two females (one of them with a
bottle), a ddgoba, figures of Buddha, females, &c.

The shrine door has two fine dwdrpdlas. Padmapani on the north
side holds a fully blown lotus and a rosary or maid, and the other his
vajra ; both have jewelled belts, &c. Inside is an enormous squat-
ting Buddha, and in front of the low throne is a female holding «P
a lota, and opposite her a smaller one standing over a prostrat
figure. At the ends of the throne are large figures of Padmapan
and Vajrapani with their emblems, and on each side wall four figw*
—while on the front wall are the usual male and female, whic
have supposed to represent the patron of the cave and his ^
Above are seven squatting Buddhas on shelves. ,

In the north end of the verandah is Buddha sitting with the V i
between his heels, and two deer on the ground in front. On ea
side are his usual attendants and a standing Buddha—coarsev e
cuted. From this point the stair ascends, and in the jambof
window at the first landing is a figure on horseback with
attendants ; above is a female with a flower.