Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Fergusson, James; Burgess, James
The cave temples of India — London, 1880

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pillared aisle is outside the walls of this cave, and encloses a corridor
that runs round the west and north sides, and part of the east, from
which four cells of various sizes are entered on the north side, ten
on the west, mostly about 1\ feet square, and three on the east, the
central and largest one being a Chaitya cell containing a dagoba.
To the left of the entrance also is a similar room ; and in advance
of the front are two small dagobas 5 feet in diameter, which seem
to occupy the place of the stamhhas in the older Chaitya-caves. As

No. 67. Caves at Dhamnar. (From a plan by General Cunningham.)
Scale, 50 feet to 1 inch.


Mr. Fergusson remarks the whole makes "a confused mass <
chambers and Chaityas, in which all the original parts are cor
founded, and all the primitive simplicity of design and arrange-
ment is lost, to such an extent that, without previous knowledge,
they would hardly be recognisable." x

The next cave to this is a flat-roofed Chaitya-cave, with an apse
at the back and a plain rude circular dagoba reaching to the too ■
To the east of it is a small Chaitya cell, and then a cave partw U/
fallen in, but the inner room contained a dagoba on a base o%
square, and behind it is a shrine with the pradaMhind or P^ssa|e j
circumambulation round it, as in some of the Aurangabad
Elura caves. The shrine inside is 10 feet square and ^^f Pftt
by a seated figure of Buddha 8 feet high. There are d

1 Lid. and East Arch., p. 131.