Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Fergusson, James; Burgess, James
The cave temples of India — London, 1880

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these, beginning from the west, stands on a base 28 feet square.
" On this base," says General Cunningham, " is raised a square
plinth 8 feet high with a projection in the middle on each side,
which on the east is extended into a small portico supported by
two square pillars. Above this rises a second or upper plinth
of 11 feet, which is circular in form," 18 feet in diameter,1 " but
with the same projections continued on the four faces. All these
projections, as well as the intervening spaces, are decorated with
a bold trefoil moulding with a circular recess in the middle,"—a
modernised version in fact of the Chaitya-window ornament. As
the top of this plinth is on a level with the summit of the hill the
dome and capital must have been structural, and given it a total
height when entire of about 40 feet.

The cell inside measures 6-J by 5-J feet, and 11 feet high, and
contains a seated figure of Buddha in the Jndna mudrd, or attitude of
abstraction, about 5 feet in height, but much abraded.

The other stupas are smaller; the next one to this having an
octagonal base 6 feet across; the third stands on a base 18 feet
square, surmounted by a dome three-fourths of its diameter m
height, and with a shrine inside containing the pedestal for the
image, which however has been a moveable one, and is gone; the
fourth is the only one that seems to have been under cover, and the
side walls of the cell inside have been prolonged forward and arched
over, while outside is a passage all round forming a very peculiarly
shaped Ohaitya cave. The fifth stupa has a base 15 feet square, and
9 high, on which stands a circular drum 12 feet in diameter and
7 high, supporting a dome 7-J feet high, making a total of 23} feet
in height. On the outer face of the drum is a niche containing a
seated image of Buddha. The sanctum is placed to the west of the
centre, but the image has disappeared from it. On the right si
of a platform immediately behind is a standing figure of Budd«
upwards of 12 feet in height; and behind this platform is the larger
cave in the group, 42 feet wide by 22 deep, with two rows each
four square columns running from right to left, each of the
aisles thus formed having a vaulted roof. ,

These caves, as already remarked, are of very late date, an

9g feet
1 This is on General Cunningham's authority, but on his plan it measure

Dr. Impey says " 28 feet" (u. s. p. 342).