Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Form: a quarterly of the arts — N.S. 1.1921/​1922

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T the outset of its career, FORM was issued as a quarterly, in
1916 and 1917, and then the circumstances of war com-
pelled a suspension of publication. In an altered and more
convenient format, it reappears as a monthly magazine, and
the Editors venture to believe that it will justify itself in the
eyes of those who were subscribers to the earlier issue, as well
as of other members of the public who interest themselves in
the Arts. With particular care for quality and beauty in
ty pography, arrangement and design, FORM will continue
to produce examples of the best contemporary work in
Literature, Fine Art, Music and Criticism; without discri-
mination in favour of any school or group. Satire and the
psychology of the Arts will be given greater consideration than is ordinarily the case in magazines
dealing with Fine Arts, and current events in the Art world will be reviewed.

In regard to the Illustrations, which constitute a distinctive feature in FORM, it may be noted
that only autographic or facsimile methodsof reproduction will be used. In the present
number these consist of woodcuts. Succeeding numbers will be devoted to similiar uniform
illustration by one or other of the varied forms of expression appropriate to printing—
lithographs, pen drawings, calligraphy, decoration, and the like.

The subscription rate is £2 14s. per annum, post free to any address in the world. Single copies
may be had at 4/6 each by post, or three monthly numbers, constituting one volume, for 14/-.
Subscribers to the former issue will receive copies of the first and second numbers of the new
issue, in respect of the unexpired proportion of their initial subscription. To obviate mistakes,
these subscribers are requested to intimate their present addresses to The Morland Press Ltd.,
190 Ebury Street, S. W. 1., to whom all communicationsin regard to subscriptions and advertise-
ments should be made.

An Edition de Luxe, limited to 50 copies, specially printed on hand-made paper, and signed by the Editors, is
open to subscription, price £1 1 ° per copy.

The Editors of FORM will be glad to consider MSS. or drawings offered for publication; but no MS. or drawing
will be returned unless it is accompanied by a stamped and addressed postal cover. In any case, the Editors can
accept no responsibility for MSS. or drawings that may be lost.

Communications for the Editors and books for review should be addressed to them at 190 Ebury Street, S. W. 1.