Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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WITH the flag flying gallantly from the mast-
goesdownaftertwo yearsof splendid service.
All lovers of the intimate and delicate art of the book-
plate will regret the loss. And their regret will be all
the greater because this, the last nurpber, is also the
best. There is no slowdescent into a rrfuttering senility
herebutrathertherefreshingvigourof ayouth towhom
death comes, swiftly bringing with it the laurel wreath
of the victor. This double number—it is surely the first
time that a magazine has celebrated death with so large
a gesture—contains some new examples of the pecu-
liarly English art of the late Claud Lovat Fraser. There
are also a number of designs by foreign artists, a valu-
able article on the art in Belgium, and other features
that should appeal to a wider circle than that repre-
sented by the regular readers of the magazine. A special
note must be made of the strong, simple and sure line
and drawing of a young Australian artist, Thomas P.
Elmes, who is likely, if this work is any guide, to go far.
The Bookplate Magazine, Number VIII, (pj-J. The
Morland Press, igo Ebury Street, S.JV.I.

TW O other pubii cations dealing with bookplates
deserve attention. The woodcuts of Ludovic
Rodo are well known. This little book wiil add
to his reputation. It has the advantage of a preface by
Frank Brangwyn, R.A., himself one of the modern
masters of the woodcut. Among the plates are some
attractive designs for French publishers, delicate and
fresh, facile, and graceful but not without strength.
Rodo needs here no praise, for his work cannot but be
known and appreciated by readers of “FORM.”

AS a companion to this Book of Ex-libris and
Marks we can recommend the Bookplates of
Pickford Waller. Mr. Waller should be better
known. He has done much good work in a quiet way.
Delicate colouring and a nice instinct for decoration
and line give to his plates an air of unobtrusive distinc-

Ex-libris and Marks by Ludovic Rodo (jIqJ.
Pickford Wallers Bookplates (jjpJ Phe Morla?id Press.

MR. Desmond Coke is to be congratulated on
giving us a very delightful book. Fortunate
alike in her editor and in her illustrator, the
eminent authoress, (Miss) Belinda Blinders, produces
an impression likely to arouse the envy of all lesser
lady novelists.

As to her own share in the present production, (Miss)
Belinda Blinders handles strong situations with shudder-
ing intensity; her morality is (of course) ever on the
side of the angels; her wealth of quotation is truly lux-
uriant. Asisfitting, she puts themere Male in his place;
but her appreciation of her hero is so moving in its
chaste enthusiasm, that we suspect the eminent author-
ess—as is the way with so many true women (the dear
things!)—of being among the most determined of

The illustrations of Mr. John Nash are in exactly the
right key. May we—at the risk of laissez majestie
(bolshevism)—venture the opinion that the somewhat
self -conscious Peter-Pannery, which is a family attri-
bute apparently, is to be studied in its right milieu
(position) amid these heart-searching pages. At other
times its frequent intrusion has a bread and condensed
milk flavour that is apt to be cloying.

Strange tricks have been played by the printer. “Ex-
pectoration ran high” verges on the indelicate; but
(Miss) B. Blinders, apologising with a noble candour,
draws the venom from even a jaded reviewer. “Sperare-
est humana” (to err is human), as the Latin’s say.

The Nouveau Poor by Belinda Blinders. Edited by Des-
??iond Coke, with illustrations by John Nash. Chapman &
Hall, jj- ??et.


DESIGN & TRADITION by Amar Fenn (Universal
Art Series). Edited by Frederick Marriott. Numerous
illustrations. Chapman & Hall. 30j- net.

MEMOIRS OF A MIDGET by Walter de la Mare.
W. Collings & Co. Ltd. 8(6 net.

Everett. John Lane. 5/- net.

A TOUR IN A DONKEY CART, being the life
and art of Frances Jennings. With an introductory by
Professor Toules, and an introduction by Isabel Derby.
Illustrated with 32 illustrationsin Collotype. John Lane.
£1-1-0 net.

Friedel. J. B. Lippincott, London. $1.75 net.
