Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Appendix III 317

Death of Tacfarinas, close of the rebellion, and submission of

native tribes .......... A.D. 24

Mauritania made a Roman province by Caligula .... A.D. 37

Death of Juba II., son of Juba I., closes the line of recognised

native kings of Mauritania ........ A.D. 40

Galba, afterwards Emperor, proconsul of Africa .... A.D. 46

Vitellius, afterwards Emperor, proconsul of Africa .... A.D. 49

Vespasian established the third legion Augusta at Theveste . . A.D. 72
Nerva established a colony of veterans at Sitifis .... A.D. 97

Foundation of the city of Thamugas under Trajan, and great

spread of colonisation in North Africa ..... A.D. 100
Insurrection of Moors under Q. Lusius Quietus suppressed . . A.D. 117
Hadrian's first visit to the African provinces, and supposed date

of the commencement of the aqueduct of Carthage . . . A.D. 122
Alleged second visit to Africa ........ A.D. 125

Permanent establishment of the third legion Augusta at Lam-

baesis........... . A.D. 125

Moors invade Numidia, but are suppressed ..... A.D. 138
Spread of education in Africa, and rise of Carthage, Cirta, and

other cities as great teaching centres ...... A.D. 140

Death of Antoninus Pius, under whose rule of twenty-three years

the provinces of Africa enjoyed great prosperity . . . A.D. 161
Joint rule of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus . . . A.D. 161-169
Moors cross the Straits of Gibraltar and invade Baetica . . . A.D. 170
The rule of Commodus uneventful in North Africa . . . A.D. 180-192
Pertinax, a native of Hadrumetum, proclaimed Emperor . . A.D. 192
Septimius Severus, a native of Africa, born at Leptis, subdues all

rivals and ascends the throne as sole Emperor .... A.D. 198
Great prosperity in North Africa and spread of colonisation . . A.D. 200
Severus persecutes Christian communities in Africa and suffers

Perpetua and others to be delivered to wild beasts in the

amphitheatre at Carthage . . . . , . . A.D. 203

Caracalla raises to the rank of citizens all free inhabitants of

the Empire ........... A.D. 216

The rise of Macrinus, a native of Africa, his assumption of the

purple, and his death the following year ..... A.D. 217
Heliogabalus, a great-grandson of Bassianus, high priest of the

Temple of the Sun at Emesa in Syria, proclaimed Augustus

at the age of fourteen.........A.D. 218

Alexander Severus, a native of Phoenicia, born in the Temple

of Alexander the Great at Arka, proclaimed Emperor . . A.D. 222
Maximinus, a Goth, with the assistance of Capellianus, Roman

governor of Mauritania, assumes the purple and ravages

North Africa..........A.D. 235

Popular rising against the tyranny of Maximinus, and proclama-
tion of Gordian as Csesar Imperator......A.D. 236

Death of Gordian I. and of his son Gordian II.....A.D. 238

The great amphitheatre at Thysdrus probably commenced . . A.D. 239