Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Roman Africa

Gordian III. reigned successfully for six years and restored tran-
quillity in Africa. Assassinated by orders of Philip the Arab,
who proclaimed himself Emperor ...... A.D. 244

The thousandth anniversary of the foundation of Rome celebrated
with great rejoicing throughout the Empire, and by the con-
struction of many public works in Africa.....A.D. 247

Philip the Arab murdered by his own soldiers.....A.D. 249

Persecution of Christians in Africa under Decius .... A.D. 250

^Emilianus, a Moor, alleged to have been raised to the purple
in the Isle of Djerba, and acknowledged Emperor by the
Senate after the death of Decius......A.D. 251

Continued persecution under Valerianus and his son Gallienus . A.D. 256

The rising of the Quinquegentians, or Feud of the Five Peoples,

causes great devastation in North Africa.....A.D. 260

Successful campaign of the Emperor Probus against the Mar-

marides on the eastern borders of Roman Africa . . . A.D. 280

Diocletian divides the Empire and allots the African provinces

to Maximianus......... A.D. 284

Final suppression of the rebellion of the Quinquegentians . . A.D. 303

Abdication of Diocletian and temporary abdication of Maxi-
mianus ........... A.D. 304

Rapid spread of Christianity throughout North Africa . . . A.D. 305

Commencement of the Donatist schism, which was political as well

as religious, in the reign of Constantius ..... A.D 305

The city of Thamugas, as well as other large towns in Numidia,

suffered from the Donatist heresy ...... A.D. 323

Constantine the Great convoked the Council of Nicaea in Bithynia,
when 318 bishops attended and condemned the doctrines of
the Donatists..........A.D. 325

Constantine the Great laid the foundations of Constantinople . A.D. 330

Julianus, the Apostate, receives the submission of the African

provinces on the death of Constantius ..... A.D. 361

Rebellion of Moors under Firmus, who was defeated by Theodo-

sius, father of Theodosius the Great, about .... A.D. 370

Restoration of many public buildings in North Africa in the reign

of Valentinian and Valens.......A.D. 364-375

Rapid spread of Christianity in Africa under Theodosius the Great,

who died......... . . A.D. 395

Rising of Gildon, a Moor and brother of Firmus, at that time mili-
tary governor of Africa in the reign of Honorius . . . A.D. 397

Defeat of Gildon by Stilicho, a Vandal captain .... A.D. 39S

St. Augustine created bishop of Hippo......A.D. 395

St. Augustine convenes a Council at Carthage, when 566 bishops

were present ........ » . A.D. 411

Bonifacius appointed governor of Africa......A.D. 422

The African provinces enjoyed peace and prosperity till the death

of Honorius ...... ... A.D. 423

Invasion of Africa by Vandals under Genseric . . . \.n. 429